Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [pron] an " in BNC.

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1 ( Copied from the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society , A.D. 1808 ) : Sir , According to your request , I send you an account of the facts I have ascertained , respecting a canal I discovered in the year 1803 in the medulla spinalis of the horse , bullock , sheep , hog and dog : and should it appear to you deserving of being laid before the Royal Society , I shall feel myself particularly obliged by having so great an honour conferred upon me .
2 Now I 'm I mean I give you an example .
3 Now if I give you an example of a bit of behaviour where erm a situation and , and er give you an idea of how introverts and extroverts would behave in that area , that may help you to work out which you think you are .
4 If I give you an example .
5 Well the , the bed , there were no spring beds in , that came into my life until many years after , were the old straw palliasses , which were really more hygienic to sleep on than your spring beds , because you get the lumbar trouble with a straw palliasses cos it was just hip firm , I give you an instance I used to , as I was growing older I used to fold my trousers and put them under the mattress to press my trousers so I 'd always got a nice crease in my trousers , they were so solid that er you got y you did n't even get any wrinkles in your trousers in those days .
6 It wo n't do any harm , but I 'd rather not give him food for thought , because I consider him an idiot and I do n't think he 's capable of interpreting it correctly .
7 However , I consider myself an expert in the art of assassination and murder and , I tell you this , violent death always comes quietly .
8 ‘ It was very hard work for that sort of money and I consider it an insult , ’ Austin said of the earlier award .
9 Someone give me an arrow . ’
10 ‘ By the way , ’ Aranyos was continuing , so completely in his usual languid manner that Karelius could have been imagining things , ‘ I suppose I owe you an explanation about Louise Müller .
11 " I owe you an explanation ? "
12 ‘ I 'm afraid I owe you an apology , Mr. Preston .
13 Either you have not shown these plans elsewhere , in which case I owe you an apology … or you have touted them round , and the fools ca n't see what 's in front of them . ’
14 I owe you an apology , ’ Donna said , pushing her plate away and dabbing at the corners of her mouth with a napkin .
15 I owe you an apology , Alex . ’
16 ‘ It appears I owe you an apology . ’
17 Because we made love , because I 'm physically attracted to you , it does n't mean that I owe you an involved explanation of my private life . ’
18 I owe you an apology . ’
19 So I guess I owe you an apology , ’ he said ruefully , ‘ although when you walked in through the kitchen door , all dressed up to the nines after being with Ryan , I wanted anything but to forgive you . ’
20 ‘ So I owe you an apology ; I misjudged you , too .
21 I owe you an apology , ’ Chambers was saying to her .
22 I owe you an apology , too , ’ he told her .
23 I can only repeat , Dr Blake , I owe you an apology . ’
24 Then , his expression suddenly turning serious , he said , ‘ I owe you an abject apology . ’
25 I know I owe you an apology . ’
26 I owe you an apology .
27 ‘ I guess I owe you an apology , Sister . ’
28 ‘ If anything , I owe you an apology .
29 I owe you an explanation , do n't I ? ’
30 I know what an important part your family has played in his return to the Faith . ’
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