Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] been know " in BNC.

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1 He pursued the antimicrobial properties of soil organisms , particularly actinomycetes , which had been known since the 1920s to produce inhibitory substances .
2 On the same day , the mascaret , a river-bore which had been known to reach as far as Paris , was sweeping up the Seine .
3 Thus the Hellenistic age saw an intellectual event of the first order : the confrontation of the Greeks with four other civilizations , three of which had been practically unknown to them before , and one of which had been known under very different conditions .
4 In her days as a schoolteacher she 'd been known for the quickness of her wit and her clarity of thought .
5 That was after the war ; during the war itself she had been known as just M , wherever she went .
6 That was how she had been known as a child when people had contrasted her with her sister Paula .
7 She had been known to storm off sometimes , to take violent umbrage and depart .
8 As we walked around the town I witnessed several incidents as girls who had been known to have collaborated with the German forces were seized by members of the Resistance and had their hair chopped off , to the jeers and cat-calls of those standing around .
9 She could n't help thinking that Cara , who had been known to take the car to go as far as the corner shop to pick up a bottle of milk , would have folded long before this .
10 They 'd been known to us for years as a couple of minor police informers , dabblers in espionage who never come up with anything much . ’
11 obviously , er they th they 'd been known they 'd been known to come , er and try and have a meeting .
12 obviously , er they th they 'd been known they 'd been known to come , er and try and have a meeting .
13 But even they had been known to take direct action when driven to desperation .
14 Every Saturday night he had played in a tavern , and he 'd been known to take it to protest meetings in Clerkenwell Green to stir up radical fervour with songs .
15 It had been known for a long time that histamine was responsible for producing many allergies and the first antihistamine drug was produced in France in 1937 .
16 It had been known for some time that relations between Stephenson and Villa were strained because of the player 's insistence on living in his home-town of Newcastle , and several clubs , keen to secure him , were watching the situation closely .
17 Bronze , an alloy of mainly copper and tin , could be polished until it looked almost like gold , and the technique of making it had been known in Britain for centuries .
18 At one time so many people from the area were hanged at Newgate it had been nicknamed Jack Ketch 's Warren , and according to Paddy it had been known for as many as forty constables to march down with cutlasses to control disturbances .
19 By the time of Fritz and Hitzig 's work it had been known for nearly a century that electrical stimulation of nervous tissue would produce movements .
20 And er it had been known for them to split .
21 And it had been known that er the Tories that the Tories through the medium of er the economic league , you know , their their propaganda organization , the economic league , which was er which was substantially supported by the by the coal owners
22 One or two of the boys would go in there , fellers of the village , and they would stop there all night , and the next night ; and they say it had been known for it to go the week ; have a week settin' in , staying in the pub .
23 It had been known at the time of his appointment that Miyazawa and members of his Cabinet had been implicated , in varying degrees , in the Recruit-Cosmos share scandal which brought down the Takeshita administration in 1989 [ see pp. 36463-64 ; 36589 ] .
24 He used the complete gamut of his voice , from a growl like a dog warning its master that it has a sore foot to a high , exalted monotone which he kept for perorations ; and when he was using the words of an Old Testament lament , Isaiah or Zephaniah , to make a piteous effect , he had been known to put his head back and yowl like a tom-cat .
25 He had been known to blow his top after a child in the room had passed wind , making no allowance for the age of the boy ( a four-year old ) and the fact of his parents being guests .
26 The yard escapologist , he had been known to turn on taps and flood the yard and , even worse , let other ponies out of their boxes when he got bored .
27 At Eton he had been known as ‘ Hitler Hurd ’ , but events had mellowed him .
28 Some years later , we are told , travellers brought back from Italy an account of the saint 's life , about which nothing had been known previously .
29 This was a conscious attempt to produce what had been known largely in the United States as a ‘ mission statement ’ .
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