Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] provide [art] " in BNC.

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1 The series originated from various communities and when it reached the west coast I had to provide the script for a new show every seven days for ten weeks .
2 so erm , he went to speak to one of the Director 's secretary , to go and buy all the cups , I had to provide the sugar
3 The teaching methods in the full-time courses were centred upon projects which sought to provide a simulated work situation , to integrate what might otherwise appear to be disparate subject areas and to engender in the student independence and originality of thought .
4 It was work completed in Alaska which helped provide a clue to the nature of the problem at BA-1 , explains head of production technology Lindsay Brown .
5 Congress on Feb. 4 approved a further extension of unemployment benefits which aimed to provide an additional 13 weeks of benefits to some 2,000,000 unemployed workers , many of whose benefits were about to expire .
6 H. E. Alexander describes the four basic aspects to this legislation as public disclosure of the monetary influences on elected officers , expenditure limits to meet the problem of rising costs , contribution restrictions to meet the problem of candidates obligating themselves to certain interest groups , and public funding which aimed to provide an alternative source of funding to replace the prohibited and limited contributions under FECA .
7 The Policy Planning Staff opinion on Kremlin-directed strategy went word for word into the NSC report The position of the United States with respect to Asia ( NSC 48/1 ) whose conclusions were approved by the US President on 30 December 1949 ( NSC 48/2 ) , although in the NSC paper it was an expression that was qualified by the proposition that it was the colonial — nationalist conflict which had provided a fertile field for subversive communist activities .
8 The identification of ‘ law ’ and ‘ policy ’ made almost impossible the continuance of the interplay between the judges and politicians which had provided a valuable tolerance .
9 At another level all three chapters here demonstrate that the notion of private investment following public is far from simple ; in both London 's Docklands at the grand scale , and in Pittsburgh , in finer detail , urban policy initiatives amplified social polarisation and benefited the local communities , which had provided the rationale for policy intervention , far less than might be expected .
10 Four main conclusions were drawn : first , war was a senseless act , which could never be a rational tool of state policy ; secondly , the 1914–18 war had been the result of leaders becoming caught up in a set of processes that no one could control ; thirdly , the causes of the war lay in misunderstandings between leaders and in the lack of democratic accountability within the states involved ; and fourthly , the underlying tensions which had provided the rationale for the conflict could be removed by the spread of statehood and democracy .
11 Attempts were made to root out those businessmen who had supported Hitler and to break up the industrial cartels which had provided the materials for the German war efforts .
12 Then came the carne lessa , the boiled meat which had provided the soup , with salsa verde , a delicious sauce made with finely chopped parsley , hard-boiled egg , capers , anchovies , oil and white bread soaked in vinegar .
13 Anthropological inquiry into the meaning of cultures came to question the established categories which had provided the models and criteria to assess different cultures .
14 Resolution 686 was the first passed by the UN Security Council on the Gulf crisis since that of Nov. 29 , 1990 [ Resolution 678 — see p. 37870 ] , which had provided the authority for the military action of the US-led coalition forces launched on Jan. 16 [ see p. 37934 ] .
15 Aquino 's endorsement effectively annointed Ramos , 63 , as the legitimate heir to the " People Power " revolt which had provided the impetus for the overthrow of President Ferdinand Marcos and had installed Aquino in office in February 1986 .
16 The poll , which had provided the first opportunity for the union 's 1,600,000 membership to elect directly its national officers , had been organized as part of a settlement agreement to a huge civil racketeering suit brought against the Teamsters by the Justice Department [ see also pp. 37954-55 ] .
17 However , the food supplier brought in as third party , the Norwegian company , which had provided the herring meal .
18 Thanks to all the teachers from Inner Kent who helped provide a lovely tea at the training day .
19 He thought , but did not say , that murder provided its own dreadful excitement for those who neither mourned nor were directly concerned and that people were commonly indulgent to those who helped provide the entertainment .
20 She pledged to provide a guaranteed minimum wage , protect standards of living and prevent price rises in consumer goods .
21 Flowers stated that she had had a sporadic sexual relationship with Clinton between 1977 and 1989 , and she had provided the newspaper with a number of taped telephone conversations between herself and Clinton from 1990 to 1992 which appeared to endorse aspects of her claim .
22 In the final ceremony , chairman Paddy Ormonde paid tribute to the countless people who had helped to salvage the festival , and in particular , to St. Bartholomew 's Church and the Bart Players , who had provided a venue and services .
23 The committee , expressing their thanks to Lord Nuffield , who had provided an iron lung for the treatment of poliomyelitis victims , accepted liability for its maintenance costs , amounting to £1 per annum .
24 Although the most successful county in the District in demonstrating the effectiveness of a resident tutor through the considerable talents of Harold Shearman who had provided the building blocks for co-operative endeavour between the Cambridge Board and the WEA during the early thirties , the position began to change when he was succeeded by Harold Plaskitt as the university 's resident tutor in 1936 .
25 The Head of Department asked about group size and who had provided the paints ( the parents had ) and whether the parents at this school would .
26 A bondager was hired annually by a male farm worker or ‘ hind ’ who had to provide a woman to work with him before he in turn was hired by the farmer .
27 ( iii ) potentially exciting new ventures for which the Project itself had provided the necessary stimulus
28 In 1983 we began to provide a course for students with severe learning difficulties .
29 I would not want anyone to think we had provided the final word .
30 They stopped providing the subsidized food which had made it possible to survive .
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