Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] as he " in BNC.

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1 Diniz Vasquez was not visible in the shouting throng of people with sacks , boxes and baskets that crowded the inner yard of the fort of Famagusta , although Nicholas scanned them all as he was led across it .
2 I 'm gon na read from verse thirty five , just the paragraph there , the last paragraph in that chapter it says on that day when evening had come Jesus said to them let us go over to the other side and leaving the multitude they took him along with them just as he was in the boat and other boats were with them .
3 I hope that the Secretary of State will look again at the figures , instead of looking at them superficially as he has done , to see that , in the past five years , the incidence of passenger train collisions has increased by 40 per cent .
4 He released himself gently as he could and stood up , half-laughing ‘ That was a very strenuous good-night kiss , ’ he said .
5 purifying himself just as he is pure .
6 Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself just as he is pure , That 's that 's Colin goes on to say , because you shall be like him does not mean that you are to care little about how much of him can be seen in your life .
7 Ruth could imagine him at sale rooms , carefully handling dusty china , gently touching worn , cracked furniture , grey eyes seeming to question himself inwardly as he gazed ; he would rarely fail , she thought , in spotting what was truly valuable .
8 ‘ How bad it would be , ’ Marty told himself callously as he watched him go , ‘ to have your bed and your bellyful and no worries at all ! ’
9 And so he hugged his loneliness to himself even as he bemoaned it .
10 He stares at you hard as he passes .
11 Whatever the meaning for those twelve disciples on that short mission ( and the Spirit may well have come upon them temporarily as he did upon the Old Testament of God to equip them for a special purpose ) , it is hard to mistake the shadow this event casts towards the time of the Church , when men sent out by Jesus ( ‘ sent one' is the root meaning of the word ‘ apostle ’ ) would be equipped by the Spirit given them by Jesus , for carrying out Jesus ' own mission in the world .
12 What was unusual in this case was that even in his great excitement he still carried the photographs of Koko and pointed to them repeatedly as he looked toward the teacher , who nodded and said ‘ Yes ’ to Sherman .
13 Down the curved cliff of the dried-up waterfall he climbed : ‘ But , of course , he dirtied everything terribly as he went .
14 Capirossi realises the pressures of success could so easily damage his plans to retain the 125 crown , and so he 's all the more determined to do everything just as he did in 1990 .
15 Corbett was oblivious to everything else as he travelled down into the city : the dirty streets , the noisy clamour of the traders , even the mixture of rich smells from bakeries , cookshops and heaps of human and animal ordure steaming in the summer sun .
16 He regarded them now as he regarded other ordinary but embarrassing habits of youth : odd hair styles , a passion for cheap cologne , eccentric dressing , strange obsessions — all things to be grown out of .
17 Put your foot down , she told herself weakly as he pulled her gently towards him .
18 And apparently Jason Horfitz then said he would n't be passing on the information he had to anybody else as he did n't want to end up in a ditch . ’
19 Now then let every one go to his own lands , and possess them even as he was wont to have and to hold them .
20 When it had boiled , whistling with a tinny Woolworth sibillance , he warmed the pot-bellied black teapot , spooned in two piles of thick tarry Indian leaves , left them awhile as he had a scratch of the back , then poured the dark brown liquid into a plain white cup , with saucer , added milk from a bottle plus two sweetening spoonfuls of caster sugar .
21 One of the men in the physiology department of the university here is taking them tomorrow as he is to stay with for a week , who is due home c. 13th and then the judge in whose house I so often stay in London IS coming for a long weekend c. 19th and then I have two or three B&B bods for Festival , giving up our bedroom ( UGH ) .
22 ‘ Wait ! ’ she instructed him furiously as he turned and walked off , but although his steps slowed , he did n't stop , forcing her to follow if she wanted to be heard .
23 Battler looked at him eagerly as he came back into the room .
24 I mean there was , there was a wonderful Times cartoon , I do n't know if you saw it , of Yeltsin showing all the troubles he , he could n't control his government , there were economic problems , people were being nasty to him apparently as he was saying how do we manage and it turns out of course at the end , the final kick line is he 's talking about John Major 's situation .
25 ‘ You certainly have mastered your anatomy , ’ she told him admiringly as he slid his hands across the small of her back to find that ecstatic erogenous zone that never failed to set her on fire .
26 She seemed to notice him only as he came closer , up to his chair , facing her across the small , four-legged table with the dully glowing red jewel in its centre .
27 She was rocking him gently as he fed and gazing in abstraction at the far corner of the room .
28 She was about his age , and in the chronic torpid state that overcame him daily as he faced work , he could not make his embarrassment at her gesture connect with his limbs .
29 He comes to the door just like that ; no servants , no security phone , and that by itself gives you the green light ; you have n't the time for any finessing so you just kick him in the balls and follow him inside as he collapses , foetal on the floor .
30 I was happy with him just as he was , without affectation .
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