Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Gradually he builds up a collection of all sorts of different books and reads them secretly at night while his wife sleeps .
2 ‘ No matter what he is now , Mr Gillis treated me badly at school and he treated you even worse .
3 The genitors of the children had a recognized standing in relation to their spouses but they visited them only at night and did not take food in the taravad house of their " wives " .
4 ‘ But we were all in our twenties , taking it very seriously , and we did n't feel we could take a chance with someone still at school .
5 At last he said , ‘ We have got ourselves thoroughly at cross purposes have we not ? ’
6 In a business that was headed by someone virtually at war with his entire family over their moral misdemeanours , this was a wise decision and brought Mr Smith fifty years ' work .
7 They take them away at night in Telford , so you only see them
8 Nenna wished to reply that it was not for the expected reasons — not pride , not resentment , not even the curious acquired characteristics of the river dwellers , which made them scarcely at home in London 's streets .
9 Her friends in Scotland will miss her most at Hogmanay when her feelings of nationhood tended to erupt satirically .
10 its true , their , their both , their both at fault and I think a bad tempered driver is every as bit as bad as a drunken driver .
11 ‘ Nice house , ’ said Joe , sitting down , for he was still young enough to make himself instantly at home .
12 It no longer aroused feelings of exasperation , as it had done when he failed to link what had amounted to a form of work paralysis with the hopelessness which Dave must have felt about himself both at home and at school .
13 in the assessment of damages for the breach of any of the Warranties full credit shall be given for the amount by which as at Completion the value of any current assets of the Business was greater or any current liability of the Business was less than the figure at which it was stated or provided for in the Accounts ;
14 It was pleasant to lie and think of other Februaries and see himself abroad at dusk in the fields under a chilling rain , standing in a cart hunched up against the storm , bending and rising and bending again to toss turnips to the streaming cattle , listening to their soft thud in the mud and the straining of the horse as his hooves sucked and sank , the cattle lowing plaintively and the sharp crunch of their scooping teeth .
15 Why does somebody else at work do a disco ?
16 As for Eliot himself , he seemed to make himself absolutely at home , as he usually did in a small gathering , and he swung his leg over the arm of the comfortable chair , where it reposed throughout the visit .
17 So you just bring them home at lunchtime or something give him a
18 In the southern US , where pigs often roam far afield during the day , the farmer brings them home at night by means of a hogcall , which goes roughly , ‘ Suuuuuuuuuuiii , pig pig pig pig pig . ’
19 Tripoli was reported quiet yesterday , seemingly proving that Col Gaddafi is able to bring out the crowds and send them home at will .
20 ‘ When I went to school , I were n't above eight or nine year old and I used to have to go hawking milk , as I told you , before I went to school ; and then I used to take the empty cans to school , bring them home at dinner-time .
21 Our teacher took me aside at break .
22 I also think prison makes you better at crime .
23 You still at school ? ’
24 For one thing , this new record hits you straight at gut level the first time .
25 Were you here at Christmas ?
26 ‘ And I 'll see you tomorrow at work , ’ Susan said to Maggie .
27 Was she there at ballet ?
28 You have n't been in touch with me for an age , and I have wanted you since I saw you again at dinner .
29 But the thing is , my mum 's an and , and Trevor 's Aunty Edna have started writing to each other and have become friends so we 'll see you again at Christmas she 'll say to aunty Edna !
30 ‘ So are you actually at university ? ’
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