Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [to-vb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus in Ibrams ( 1982 ) there had been considerable ill-treatment and violence by the deceased towards D and his girlfriend , and this led them eventually to plan and carry out a night-time raid on the deceased 's flat , during which they attacked and killed him .
2 BRC was contacted and we found them somewhere to live and someone from their own country to look after them .
3 However , I have used them enough to observe that the properly selected remedy works deeply , quickly , smoothly , and without initial aggravation .
4 It did not take me long to wish that we Christians might have a similar preparation for confirmation and acceptance as a full worshipping and working member of the Church .
5 It did not take me long to realize that this was the man I had needed so badly . ’
6 Lee lead Meryl towards them only to find that she resisted furiously .
7 ‘ I shall not , ’ said Sally-Anne grandly , ‘ reproach you , Dr Neil , for rescuing me merely to ensure that I shall carry on skivvying for you .
8 ‘ Is this decision of yours just to try and thwart me , or do you have any particular reason ? ’
9 The only way you can stop getting paranoid about it is to get someone else to watch and tell you if you are doing anything wrong .
10 She used to get someone else to go and do her shopping for her .
11 The second is to test understanding by inviting someone else to summarize and check that their summary accords with the one you yourself would have given at that stage in the proceedings .
12 ‘ It 's quite enough for me just to know that you 're going . ’
13 The massacres would not be right from his viewpoint and wrong from theirs , he would be objectively right to kill and they to resist being killed ; the parallel would be to two contenders for a job both being right to apply in the eyes of all , not to each thinking himself right to apply and the other wrong .
14 I think really if you 're doing that , you should ask somebody else to come and
15 somebody else to come and apparently he escaped out of a prison somewhere , she 's
16 I mean it 's very nice to be with a child , a baby , for about three or four hours , but after that you are quite grateful for somebody else to come and play with it for a while , and talk to it for a while .
17 She 's had two or three of them home to stay and things .
18 Then I bring them home to wash and I unravel them before they dry .
19 control contacted me yesterday to say that erm due to loss of system last week , and the fact that the Easter weekend erm is looming up on us , it means that they 've , they 've got insufficient time to run all the jobs that they needed to erm in the space that they , they would like to run them in .
20 Presently he drew me aside to suggest that if I would like to give him a certain sum his wife and daughter would go immediately and prepare a gypsy supper .
21 Our wish is that it will enable you better to recall and enjoy your own memories .
22 It usually takes you longer to decide whether to do either A or B than just how to do A. All I have to think of is how to do A.
23 But the one on the right it 's glass will cost you more to replace than the complete
24 I am writing to you now to ask if you would provide me with a list of your affiliated clubs .
25 Too young for you even to try and explain what you were doing , how important it was and how much it took out of you .
26 For you even to suggest that I , for one , could have shifted a bardy , why , that is utterly absurd !
27 You can measure them later to see if there has been a change .
28 He disregarded the cigarette-packs , after having checked inside each one carefully to see if a note had been left .
29 Not that it meant very much , because when you thought about it it was n't something really to celebrate but today , June 28th , was his birthday .
30 Are we then to assume that the Zande and other people with similar beliefs in occult power are virtually schizophrenics , with their minds split between two irreconcilable ways of comprehending the world ?
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