Example sentences of "[pron] [noun prp] had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Generous to a fault , he had booked the ballroom suite at the best hotel in Lexington and a popular jazz band to entertain the several hundred guests whom Cora-Beth had invited for Harry 's party .
2 His lore says that Abraham Stoker , a graduate of Trinity College , Dublin , had given faithful service as general amanuensis to Sir Henry Irving , the fearsome Victorian actor-manager — for whom Stoker had given up his civil service career .
3 The man whom Patrick had seen through binoculars was using an artillery sight to fine-tune the angle .
4 I remembered all kinds of girls whom Harvey had wanted to marry at some time or other .
5 It was the largest I had ever seen , split up into walled units , ten of them Ward had said , and when I reached the western limit of it I was face to face with the heaving bulk of the ocean .
6 John Buddle , a mine inspector and owner 's agent with whom Davy had consulted , wrote to Davy on 1 June , 1816 : ‘ I am convinced that with the happy invention of the safe lamp large proportions of the coal mines of the empire will be rendered available , which otherwise might have remained inaccessible . ’
7 It was immediately clear , as Max had said , that there had earlier been much blood ; soon clear , too , that the body was that of a comparatively young man ; the body of the man whom Morse had interviewed ( with such distaste ) the previous evening ; the man who had been cheated of the Wolvercote Jewel — and the man who now had been cheated of life .
8 It is at this stage that it becomes necessary to record a debt of gratitude to Headingley , for whom Ian had played at club level and who suggested he might be interested in coaching .
9 the two remaining messengers whom Burnell had sent with them , to accompany him fully-armed .
10 Through the three days of their charter , Gomez was the only one of the four Latinos with whom Trent had formed the slightest relationship .
11 Andropulos , whom Grierson had reported as having a remarkable affinity for scotch , seemed relaxed to the point of garrulity .
12 Charles Caldecott , who owned the Whetstone Park Stud , was an odd character whom Kelly had met a couple of times and had never really taken to .
13 This could suggest a domestic crisis , for the Chronicle records immediately after that the aetheling , Ealdberht , whom Ine had exiled , went into Surrey and Sussex and it is not inconceivable that Ealdberht was either Ine 's son or the son of his brother , Ingild , who died in 718 , seeking recognition perhaps as Ine 's heir .
14 All his energy was concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other , to get out to the Lock before Marie provoked Simon into uncoiling his other self , the one hidden behind the attentive , polite , charming Simon in whom Marie had invested so much of her trust and hope for the future .
15 They included railway and police personnel , Mary Ashley , a coach driver , the chemist from whom Tawell had purchased the prussic acid , and the barmaid of the Windmill Inn .
16 There was , though , always Lou , to whom Ken had introduced the delights of a theatre that she had hardly known existed .
17 On 7 November he was made justiciar of north Wales for life in place of Hastings to whom Warwick had given the office in the previous August .
18 On 7 November he was made justiciar of north Wales for life in place of Hastings to whom Warwick had given the office in the previous August .
19 His own queen , whom Surere had revered so deeply , when she requested that she be buried not in the new City of the Horizon , but near her old home , in the Valley of the Dead across the river from the Southern Capital , had been granted her wish , though it had hurt Akhenaten deeply .
20 Kingsley Barrett , the Methodist , whom Ramsey had chosen for the faculty at Durham , wrote of his belief that a special providence must watch over the Church of England to give them at least some good bishops in spite of the deplorable method of their appointment .
21 It also provided an opportunity for Devi Lal , whom Singh had dismissed as his deputy in August , to rally opposition to the government [ see pp. 37710-11 ; 37774-75 ] .
22 Stratford , a royal diplomat , had been provided to Winchester in 1323 against the wishes of the king and paid a heavy penalty for it : his temporalities were seized and exploited for a year , and even after they were restored Stratford was placed under recognizances of £10,000 to the king ( £2000 down and the rest conditional upon his good conduct ) , £1000 to the Despensers , and 1000 marks to the chancellor , Robert Baldock , a clerk for whom Edward had intended the bishopric ; moreover , Stratford was summoned to answer in the King 's Bench for his conduct of a royal mission to the papacy .
23 About that time the Tower of London fell to the rebel citizens and Bishop Stapledon of Exeter , whom Edward had left in charge of the city , was lynched : he was dragged from his horse to the great cross in Cheapside , stripped of his armour and beheaded with a bread-knife .
24 Mancini reported that the woman in question was a foreigner whom Edward had married by proxy on the orders of the earl of Warwick , a reference perhaps to Bona of Savoy .
25 Mancini reported that the woman in question was a foreigner whom Edward had married by proxy on the orders of the earl of Warwick , a reference perhaps to Bona of Savoy .
26 Among the former was the yeoman of the chamber Nicholas Leventhorpe of Bramham ( Yorks. ) who acted as go-between for the exiled king and Henry Percy , whom Edward had restored to the earldom of Northumberland in 1470 .
27 Among the former was the yeoman of the chamber Nicholas Leventhorpe of Bramham ( Yorks. ) who acted as go-between for the exiled king and Henry Percy , whom Edward had restored to the earldom of Northumberland in 1470 .
28 He said the police were talking to everyone Angie had seen in the two weeks before she … well … vanished , and so far had come up with nothing .
29 For instance , the peasants of the Maramureş to whom Ceauşescu had appealed to preserve their ancient ways had only been able to do so until then because their poor hill-side farms had not yet been collectivized .
30 Bérégovoy , hitherto Minister of State for Economy , Finance and Budget , replaced Edith Cresson , whom Mitterrand had appointed 10
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