Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] for their " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They would come to my flat and borrow my things for their photographs , ’ she explained .
2 How I hated my elders for their frailty , for making me feel responsible for them .
3 I felt grateful to my publishers for their insistence that we guard against any change of mind by my secret collaborators — unlikely as that had seemed in the frigid era of Brezhnev .
4 I am very grateful to Dounreay for making it all possible , to the Library for their help with my research and to my colleagues for their assistance . ’
5 The appearance , albeit a misleading one , of an area uncluttered by the constraints characterizing other areas is an attractive one … the blacks who follow in the wake of Wonder and Marley make them models for their behaviour .
6 Four of the same name in a Test remains a record to this day , as does the ludicrous fact that three of the players making their debuts for their country in the match had already played Test cricket , but under different colours .
7 Largely relying on their savers for their funds , they have to borrow from the City when savings run low .
8 ( 2 ) 5.18(2) confers the right on an applicant , licence-holder , objector or complainer who appeared at the hearing to request that the board give their reasons for their decision in writing .
9 They would obviously have some idea from the appeal hearing it itself but since they have to put all of their reasons for their request in writing the very least I believe they should be able to have is a reasoned reply .
10 The legend relating to Dicky o'Tunstead caused the London North Western Railway Company many problems and succeeded in forcing this railway company to reconsider their plans for their new line between Chapel-en-le-Frith and Buxton .
11 Because she knew she swelled and paled , in the grip of her look , she smiled even more and then invited them to start talking about their plans for their future home , which they did at once , and ceased to notice her .
12 The issue of 5th February sees the start of a new monthly column , entitled ‘ Coming Attractions ’ and featuring details of their plans for their big titles .
13 The respondents were also asked a supplementary question designed to elicit their rationalisations for their decisions .
14 It certainly seemed that a chapter of my life was closing , and I felt even more disgruntled when I found out that the other girls had all managed to get postings near their homes for their final few months in the Service .
15 All week our doctor and two lawyers had thus credited their clients for their various pleasures .
16 They will have to depend on their husbands for their state pension .
17 Everyone is so grateful to the fund raisers and all their supporters for their remarkable efforts .
18 The team at Marham , overseen by Fred Beamish , have produced an aircraft which they proudly boast is one of the best preserved in the country and wish to express their thanks for their help to Pat Waterhouse , a former RAF sergeant painter and finisher now with the RAF Museum at Cardington , who provided invaluable help , Colin Jardine , manager of the Product Support Dept at BAe Manchester who provided all the technical drawings for the finishings and markings , and Sgt Tom Patel at RAF St Athan who supplied all the necessary stencils , enabling all the finer details to be added .
19 3–11–1898 The Moderator read the following extract minute of Presbytery ; " The presbytery took up the report of the committee on union with the United Presbyterian Church as sent down by last General Assembly , and as Instructed by the Assembly , agreed to transmit the said report to the Kirk Session within their bounds for their information . "
20 Just inside the front porch , a handwritten book is prefaced with the words ‘ This book has been compiled that something , more than their mere names , may be known of the Lavenham men who gave their lives for their country in the Great War . ’
21 The historian knows that something important occurred to transform the disciples from a huddle of frightened men into bold missionaries risking their lives for their faith .
22 She praised the gallantry , determination and sense of duty of the servicemen and women who had given their lives for their country .
23 No inquiries have been made into the 240 Ulster soldiers who sacrificed their lives for their country instead we see them being framed by our so called police force and left to spend their lives in a prison cell for crimes they did n't commit .
24 Every week one reads of Victoria Crosses being put up for sale by the hard-up families of men who willingly risked their lives for their country , yet at this very moment three holders of this supreme badge of courage live in unmarked graves on Merseyside .
25 Every week one reads of Victoria Crosses being put up for sale by the hard-up families of men who willingly risked their lives for their country , yet at this very moment three holders of this supreme badge of courage lie in unmarked graves on Merseyside .
26 This theme is a recurring one , with some sportsmen actually being belittled by their parents for their involvement , like sprinter Mickey Morris :
27 I am grateful to my ministerial colleagues in Italy and Spain and their officials for their constructive and helpful approach .
28 THE MISSION have announced details of their guests for their outdoor show at London 's Finsbury Park on June 1 .
29 I distinctly remember , in a television interview at the last party conference , Cecil Parkinson declaring that before privatisation , the heads of the nationalised industries ran their organisations for their own benefit , not the public 's .
30 The complicated nature of women 's response to doctors ' views about their role also characterised the way in which women dealt with the whole area of sexual difference and its implications for their position in terms of both the separation of spheres and of female dependency within the private sphere of home and family .
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