Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] for he " in BNC.

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1 In spite of my appeals for him to make some effort to intervene with the King , who could often attain success with a father bent on violent punishment , Kareem dismissed my cries of alarm with unconcealed irritation and insisted the subject be dropped .
2 My feelings for him were — are — fondly engaged . ’
3 ‘ That is as maybe — but my feelings for him are not sisterly , I promise you .
4 I was almost afraid to examine my feelings for him .
5 ‘ Perhaps you would tell Mr Maxwell that you will translate my questions for him and that he may speak directly to me in English .
6 Between my arguments for him and young Richard 's against , I doubt not that Hubert will get his way . ’
7 And would you write my letters for him ?
8 A Jacobite agent writing towards the end of Queen Anne 's reign thought that there were people in England who " wish the King [ i.e. " James III " ] well , who would not hazard their estates for him " .
9 Djohar refused their demands for him to step down , blaming lack of preparedness for the failure of the February ballot .
10 It had been his lips — her lips for him — that had sparked the sudden flame .
11 She parted her lips for him as his mouth closed over hers once again and refused to consider where forever might end .
12 It was one of her days for him .
13 Grinning , she took up a seductive pose and started to wriggle her hips for him , swirling round sensually and then slowly undoing the clasp at her back .
14 Since Christmas day her feelings for him had been in such a chaotic state she did n't know whether she loved or hated him .
15 The fact was that both young women shared an unspoken anxiety for Fleury 's safety and though Louise had not yet confided her feelings for him to Miriam , she really did not need to do so for these feelings were plain enough already .
16 When in April 1949 Mary Trevelyan had written a letter in which she explained her feelings for him , and in fact suggested marriage , he explained in his reply that although he valued her friendship he was no longer capable of reciprocating such feelings for anyone .
17 Her feelings for him may be guessed at from a text she wrote decades later , after Gustave 's death .
18 ‘ It could be that I 've simply never felt strongly enough about anyone , ’ she cut in , instantly wishing the words unsaid as she realised how much they revealed about her feelings for him .
19 No matter what he 'd done to her , her feelings for him had n't changed .
20 Her feelings for him had been a pallid thing beside what she now felt for Fen .
21 It might not have prevented her feelings for him from developing as they had , but it would certainly not have caused a change in the atmosphere in this place , and he might have remained livable with .
22 It was Paul 's obsessive jealousy which had diseased and finally destroyed her feelings for him , even though it was an emotion she had never fully understood — until now .
23 ‘ But … but I love you ! ’ she cried , suddenly coming out of the trance in which she had been imprisoned , and desperately anxious that she should in some way communicate her feelings for him .
24 She was in love with a man who considered her to be lower than the lowest form of human life , yet even that was n't enough to change her feelings for him .
25 But her acknowledgement of her feelings for him was still new , and even while wanting to be with him she felt nervous , terrified that by some small look or too-ready smile she might give away her feelings — that she did n't want to say that goodbye — and that to do so would break her heart .
26 At twenty-two , it seemed , Viola was too set in her ways for him .
27 Certainly the role of Cassandra had its temptations for him , especially towards the end of his life .
28 He felt sure the girls were creaming their pants for him .
29 After all , she had not given up any of her friends for him .
30 He laughed and ingored her pleas for him to stop .
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