Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] and for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ For my parents and for my grandmother . ’
2 I know that we will be proved right and that trust status will be good for my constituents and for those of my hon. Friend the Member for Basildon .
3 ‘ I always try to have some fun in my tricks and for them to be new , ’ says the 54-year-old , caught in the middle of rehearsals at Lincoln Theatre Royal during the current national tour .
4 And damn him for daring to pry into my affairs and for subtly mocking my singular state !
5 There is an objectivity behind the subjectivity of our preferences which entitles you to recommend to me a dish which you do not choose yourself and which I have hitherto been repelled by , but may come to like if I can forget my prejudices and for the first time attend closely to the flavour .
6 ‘ It took seven months to settle the claim for the car and well over a year to sort out compensation for both my injuries and for the inconvenience , ’ says Otis .
7 In that it has some support from the International Monetary Fund , whose managing director has urged the G7 to come up with at least $5 billion or $6 billion in special funding for Russia this year for such projects , as well as for Russian companies restructuring their operations and for further reform in such key areas as energy .
8 For clinicians who wanted to practise their skills and for nurses who needed the job satisfaction of returning patients to the community , there would be an uphill task with an entirely chronic and elderly population .
9 This method was in fact implemented to establish its characteristics and for comparison with other methods , by building the tree as usual , and then pruning the branches to give the required structure as in figure 3.10 .
10 Of course they would not , because just like me they are trying to find an answer that is as close as possible to what is best for their nations and for Europe as a whole .
11 He met her eyes and for a second time ; she smiled her shy smile at him , but his swimming head filled it with invitations .
12 We are grateful to all our contributors for their articles and for their forbearance when the Editor has not done with them what they were expecting !
13 So it is resources and personal support that is needed both for the individuals themselves , for their parents and for schools . ’
14 On the anniversary of the murder , the Dixon family have said — for the sake of their parents and for the sake of a civilised society — please help catch the killer .
15 Many of our partners have a wholly different tradition of employment practice which is reflected in the separate arrangements which they have agreed , which will affect only their countries and for which only they will pay .
16 Pat McKenzie , Lending Services VISCOUNT Officer , said : ‘ Most people who attended the demonstrations were impressed by the potential benefits for their libraries and for their users , and felt that the system would be easy to operate ’ .
17 The building of the Trans-Siberian , it was noted in 1900 , had led to the systematic extermination of the forests of Siberia , for the construction of the line and its stations and for fuel for the workers and engines .
18 This is particularly important for young children who may find it difficult to explain their ideas and for children whose mother tongue is not English and who may not have the necessary English vocabulary to explain their ideas to their teacher .
19 country in Europe so they think they 're going to be testing their weapons and for the
20 Many local authorities withdrew or reduced their contributions and for a while Unwin financed the continuation of the Committee 's work himself to publish a Second and final report in March 1933 , which made a more detailed proposal for a narrow green girdle around London .
21 It was not weak , cowardly or treacherous , it told its assailants and for proof pointed to the arrests and the fact that it was not releasing any of the men .
22 While it is not right that either partner should always have to give way to the other , each may have to concede at times , for both their sakes and for the well-being of their marriage .
23 I respect them for the medieval certainty of their beliefs and for the casuistical cunning of their arguments .
24 Paragraph 29 of the statement of claim alleges that the third and fourth defendants and through them , the fifth defendant were ‘ knowingly concerned ’ in the breaches of section 3 , 47 , 56 and 57 in four specified respects , namely , ( i ) in authorising the transfer of a sum of U.S. $250,000 out of an account in the name of the second defendant into which investors ' money had been paid ; ( ii ) in making arrangements during the postal strike in September 1988 for the collection from investors of their cheques and for the distribution of advertisements inviting investment in Euramco ; ( iii ) in paying investors ' cheques into Pantell S.A. 's bank account ; and ( iv ) in attempting to set up an account at Barclays Bank 's Holborn branch for another company , also called Pantell S.A.
25 Those pupils who can not afford a machine will be able to rent one and Diana will teach them how to produce knitwear for their families and for sale .
26 Burson has made images of missing children , aged by computer , for their families and for the FBI .
27 Mademosielle Sagan was celebrated for the variety of her partners and for driving fast sports cars in bare feet as an example of the free life .
28 Many patients will be having problems with their partners and for them conjoint treatment will often be appropriate .
29 He argued ( 1989:14 ) that since institutions , largely regardless of the wishes of their members , have retained a bureaucratic organization , it is important to use the bureaucracy well , to maximise opportunities for institutions to achieve their objectives and for individuals to succeed in their careers .
30 It eats into their profits and for many of them the only good rabbit is a dead one .
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