Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] [v-ing] for " in BNC.

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1 Neil can I ask you have n't have got on my eyes looking for it , but I ca n't see any reference at all in your report to local authority engineering craftsmen .
2 I sat up for the next few nights , my head poking out of the back skylight of the loft , my ears straining for the tinkle of glass breaking or muffled curses , or the more usual signal of the birds being disturbed and taking flight , but nothing more happened .
3 To promote and facilitate discussion at school level about the philosophy of the Catholic school ( using my experiences working for the Queensland Catholic Education Commission as a stimulus . )
4 The first was of my parents appealing for news of me and — of course — for my release .
5 I ca n't go around my friends begging for a home , can I ?
6 To avoid this aggravation , I used to spend my weekends going for long walks by the river .
7 ‘ I do n't like my children asking for help , ’ said he proudly .
8 As one lecturer put it , ‘ I do n't want one of my students working for a first to have the achievement marred because it was ‘ only a 1.2 ’ . ’
9 As Rune 's hard , caressing hands slid up and down her body , Gina automatically raised her arms around his neck , her fingers reaching for his hair , winding through its golden thickness , oblivious to everything save the heavy clamouring of her heart , the new-found responses of her senses to Rune 's compelling masculine power .
10 They have left their homes looking for an education .
11 on their backsides waiting for nuts
12 Feverishly they attacked the sea , their eyes straining for any sign of movement in the red-tinged , black water .
13 He knew that at night , alone in his room , he should be crying , but no tears came ; that in itself was strange , for he 'd often cried about small things , such as seeing a fox with its leg in a trap , still alive , its eyes begging for release .
14 Compaq Computer Corp and its 80486 interests , not any technical or manufacturing woes , are behind Intel Corp 's decision to delay the Pentium until May , BusinessWeek claims : well , schucks , that 's not what we hear — our sources , who are cooling their heels waiting for chips , continue to think that Intel is having problems making the parts in quantity ; given the new timetable , it still says samples should be more available than they are .
15 Our sources , who are cooling their heels waiting for chips , continue to think Intel is having problems making the parts .
16 As they left , Kate glanced back , her eyes searching for the shawl .
17 She had successfully banished the photograph from her mind and was gazing outside , down at the sunlit seashore , her eyes searching for Emily , when Mrs Birkin appeared .
18 She wound up the window and started to cruise round , her eyes searching for the nice little space that would take her white Golf GTI .
19 Alexandra did not move from the sofa but sat on it quite rigid , her ears straining for the dreaded sound of wheels on the gravel of the drive .
20 She clapped her hands over her ears waiting for the water that was almost upon them , aware of the damage it was going to cause .
21 With old foe Nigel Benn favoured to take the WBC version of the title from Italy 's Mauro Galvano on October 3 , the two champions could afford to forget their squabbles fighting for a mountain of cash .
22 But she did n't know where it was either and soon the whole family was up on their feet looking for the source of the noise .
23 Those who spend their lives looking for some practical escape from the ordinary world eventually have to accept the fact that there is no escape except through death or the imagination .
24 Millions of people spend their lives caring for someone who is elderly , disabled and vulnerable .
25 It 's very hard to spend months in the archives , reading the papers of the people who spent so much of their lives fighting for this kind of thing , and not I think be rather affected by dedication and by the evidence that they amassed with such enormous difficulty , and by the way they kept coming back and fighting for it over and over again , and the free market argument by comparison lacks that kind of humanity I think .
26 The vast bulk of lawyers spend their lives working for business interests , and top lawyers work overwhelmingly for giant corporations who alone can afford their fees .
27 The East India Company and other companies like the Royal Africa Company and the Hudson 's Bay Company rarely brought in men like Roe to help with work at the top , and normally expected to promote people who had spent their lives working for the Company .
28 Most people ensure that they spend their lives working for something which they think has a future , and which will provide the sort of life and opportunity that they wish for themselves and their dependants .
29 When she had left the bedroom he heard her feet scurrying for a few minutes , then the door slammed .
30 A writ has been issued by the actress and her parents asking for him to be banned ‘ from entering or trespassing on the property or on the actual road ’ .
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