Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] will have " in BNC.

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1 Right now the best are Arsenal and it 's just a pity they 're not in one of the European competitions , because my money will have been on them to win it .
2 The voyage will certainly be a very expensive one but I doubt not my work will have a great sale in consequence and if so amply repay me for my exertions .
3 Does Compact mean that my child will have to leave school for work at sixteen ?
4 I reckon that 's what my friend will have , a dog .
5 My wife will have to work hard and manage with very little money . ’
6 But the truth is , we have all been unwell , I 'm sure my wife will have told you , and there is so much sickness in the village — ’
7 ‘ With those two souls placed on the Scales of Sorcery and rendered to the Soul Eaters , my debt will have been paid .
8 If I 'm not careful my family will have grown up and I will have missed part of it . ’
9 My brother will have to come forward before anything can be done , ’ Spencer sipped the hot cordial slowly .
10 ‘ I do n't suppose my brother will have any hope of a picture there , even from a boat and with a telephoto lens …
11 It is hoped that discussion of the problems faced by attempted suicide patients and the factors which should be kept in mind during their assessment will have left the reader in no doubt as to the crucial nature of the assessment procedure for such patients and the need for it to be done in a careful way by staff who have been appropriately trained .
12 One of the most important components of the legal framework created by parliament for their protection will have been rendered ineffectual for them .
13 After four years of the parliament ( ie , by April 1996 ) there is a one-in-six chance that their majority will have gone .
14 At the end of some years of this ding-dong invention and counter-invention , the current version of both the missile and its antidote will have attained a very high degree of sophistication .
15 If they can make us more aware of the Earth and our relationship with it then their study will have been worthwhile .
16 The shape of the land and the potential wind barriers often indicate which side will have more wind .
17 If 2 carriers have children , there 's a one in 4 chance their child will have normal blood cells , a one in 2 chance they 'll have children who also be carriers anda one in 4 chance of them having a sickle cell sufferer .
18 Well , a few weeks ago , on your behalf , I attended the National Policy Forum of the Labour Party and we made it quite plain that the Labour government in its manifesto will have full employment rights for all from day one , so no one can abuse workers ' rights .
19 Its telescope will have a mirror 60 cm across , and will be cooled by liquid helium to a temperature of only a few degrees above absolute zero ; and its detectors will be sensitive to wavelengths up to a maximum of 120 micrometres .
20 Their shift will have ended long ago . ’
21 ( 5 ) If the offeror is listed , and the takeover is a Super Class 1 transaction , then the circular to its shareholders must contain a statement that its group will have sufficient working capital .
22 ‘ We are hoping when she returns her parking will have improved , but we are not over-optimistic , ’ said Bob .
23 I suspect , however , that the need for a task force , its assignment , its composition , and its leadership will have to be decided on case by case .
24 There 's nothing they 'd like better than a drama like this just before the race , and do n't think Dara or her escort will have kept their mouths shut ! ’
25 The party with education at the top of its agenda will have to be more on its toes than that .
26 The Queen must be appalled at Fergie 's indifference to the effect her snogging will have on the children .
27 The Directive is legally binding and all professionals whose qualifications fall within its scope will have the right to have their qualifications recognised .
28 Moreover , the risk that conventional conflicts may get out of hand and degenerate into nuclear disaster is one with which mankind will have to live for ever , and it strengthens the argument for attempting to keep conflicts within some kinds of bounds .
29 On that basis , we are wasting our time , thinking her absence will have been reported . ’
30 Finance for books , previously received for students aged 16 to 18 from the local authority , is likely to become a less frequent feature of the scene , and its absence will have a particular impact in those areas that have adopted a system of wholly tertiary colleges .
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