Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] on the " in BNC.

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1 I mean , in a much more , erm , a le a less severe example , but we 're having a Road Safety Week , at school , this week , erm , and it was my class 's turn , yesterday afternoon , so I was just there keeping a watching brief with my my children while the , road safety representative was talking to them , and she put them us through the usual hoops of erm , did any of them play on the roadside un unattended .
2 A rapid gear change gave them speed on the corner and he sat bent over the wheel , concentrating fiercely on the road through the sheets of rain .
3 He tried to steal my strip on the Island ? ’
4 He was the heartbeat of the team in 1966 … my lieutenant on the field , a cool , calculated footballer I could trust with my life . ’
5 My debut on the bestseller list should happen any day now .
6 Should anyone remain unconvinced , I rest my case on the Leaning Tower of Pisa syndrome .
7 I imagined the whole business of running to the wire , and setting up the ladder a thousand times , but I could never get beyond the point when I set my foot on the bottom rung .
8 I coughed loudly and scraped my foot on the floor to draw their attention to who was standing quietly listening to them rowing .
9 I eased my foot on the accelerator , watching for each hole in the road that stretched ahead endlessly , a straight , straight line across a desolate land to the reddish horizon .
10 With every nerve on edge and my heart pumping I put my foot on the first stair .
11 Did n't get u , dismount I just sat on the saddle like with my foot on the floor wandering what they was up to .
12 So he s , I said to him is it alright , says am I in danger of coasting if I 've got my foot on the if , if I 'm taking the corner in first and I 'm slipping and I got the clutch , I 'm using the engine but I 've , not much
13 If there was a black kid and a white kid with equal qualifications who both went for the same job , I would have to put my money on the white kid getting the job , because we 're in a white-dominated society .
14 She said fucking machine out there not paying me out and your cancel my money on the fucking card am I supposed to eat today ?
15 All I will do is to come in after breakfast every day and put my bucket on the harness room boiler to cook up , and an hour later I will take it away .
16 However , this was not argued before us , and I prefer to base my decision on the section 222 point by affirming the judge 's first ground as mentioned above .
17 However , I reached my decision on the basis to which I have deposed in paragraphs 8 , 9 and 10 above .
18 Accordingly , I will reach my decision on the basis of the evidence and arguments submitted to me by the parties .
19 Accordingly , the parties agree that each of them will accept my decision on the matters referred to me hereunder as conclusive and binding and that neither will bring any action or proceeding or make any claim against me as expert relating to or arising from the performance of my duties hereunder .
20 I came and started tidying up bits and pieces of cut-off material around my mum on the floor .
21 This way , if I reach the end of the cone without noticing , the cone lifts off the floor and , as it can not possible pass through the tension assembly , I get plenty of warning without having the weights landing on my feet ( ouch ! ) and my knitting on the floor !
22 ‘ I 'd best get what 's left of my milk on the road , or I 'll have the Guv'nor after me .
23 And now , clearly , it 's time I turned to the poem itself , having spent most of my hour on the question of how Milton got there .
24 When we used to go out in the street , I would be on one side of the matron holding her arm , my sister on the other side doing the same .
25 Talking to my sister on the phone about the visit she insisted that the feeling of being absent in my mother 's presence was nothing to do with the illness , was the emotional underpinning of our childhood .
26 Sometimes I feel … the accusation that my presence on the perimeter of his life , my stillness in the middle of his movement , seems to represent , [ is ] almost intolerable . ’
27 Radio Forth are interested and are hoping to record my progress on the cycle , and to interview all the competitors as they arrive .
28 John 's already stolen my thunder on the straw poll erm that I was going to do but suffice to say that we normally do that at these types of seminars and there 's always a few people in the room who put their hands up and say they 've got more than ten data sources in their organization .
29 My body will cease to be the temple of physical perfection that it currently is , my old aches and pains will return and my reliance on the ministrations of the NHS will increase .
30 Now had it actually been infidelity — me having watched said movie from the back row of the local Ritzy with my bit on the side at my side — then I would have deserved whatever was coming to me .
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