Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] in the " in BNC.

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1 Conveniently , Donald John MacDonald , Manager of Castlebay Branch , was waiting to help me fill in the hour before the Glasgow based Loganair Twin Otter was due to come in to pick up those flying on to Tiree and Glasgow .
2 At the same time , I would warn Obair * , the same as I would warn anybody setting up a scheme , to make sure that the scheme is properly run , to make sure that the scheme is n't used to take jobs away from either the domestics , the home helps or any other jobs in the health service — make sure that abuse is taken away and I certainly wish them luck in the future and I thank you for inviting me here to speak .
3 Field work to acquire the specimens that I drew took me scuba-diving in the warm , subtropical waters of Natal and Zululand and braving seasickness on a research ship off the Transkei coast .
4 We took off into the last of the evening sun in poor visibility and I do not recall seeing any of the aircraft that took-off in front of me rise in the evening murk , I was too busy putting the nose down and squeezing a bit more speed out of the lumbering Whitley as we cleared the boundary .
5 Baldwin showed them some of the curiosities of the house and gave them tea in the Long Gallery , which lie described with more pride than accuracy as ‘ the finest room in England ’ .
6 The English kings , however , were unlikely to be willing to relinquish a part of their inheritance which brought them revenue in the early fourteenth century of about £13,000 a year , and whose subjects accepted English rule .
7 The characteristic of the first four is that they have the force of law , subject to such constitutional acts as may be necessary to give them force in the territory of a particular Contracting State .
8 It means some bastard not only laid me out cold , and stuck me face-down in the Comer , but even rammed me well down into the mud with a foot in the small of my back to make dead sure of me , before he lit out and left me there to drown . ’
9 When in 1613 he ‘ went beyond the seas without licence ’ and settled first at Brussels , then at Antwerp , he was in personal contact with another expatriate , Peter Philips , and with the Amsterdam organist Sweelinck , both of whom figure in the Fitzwilliam Book .
10 At sunset , I climb back to the waterfall and wash my hair in the cold , clear water — a mundane chore elevated into sublime pleasure .
11 They did n't make me wash my hair which I was very grateful for as I hate having to wash my hair in the bath .
12 After dinner , I combed my hair in the bedroom .
13 yes , just for instance , my brother pulling my hair in the back of the car and annoying me .
14 I have stripped off the patina of almost-respectable journalism , put back the earring , parted my hair in the middle to hide my own personal recession , exchanged the Marks and Spencer 's cords for 501s , the Oxford shirt for a Lloyd Cole cast-off black polo .
15 Er , I 'm sure we did n't put a brush through my hair in the bath .
16 ‘ My respectful study of other religions has not abated my reverence for or my faith in the Hindu scriptures .
17 After all , a guitar tech 's job has to depend on such accuracy , and if it were my job then I 'd rather put my faith in the R450 than a box-load of pocket tuners .
18 But she did n't pity me ; she mimicked my accent in the play .
19 It 's like my kind in the South and the vultures . ’
20 But as they had n't seen each other since the day they both left the house , I did n't think my debut in The Jungle Book was the best time for a reunion .
21 But do n't you see that 's not how Christopher sees my part in the business .
22 As long as I refuse to recognize my part in the fallenness of the world around me , I will never be a blessing to others .
23 ‘ He warned me that I 'd never get much credit — that people would be dismissive of my part in the great tradition , ’ said Carrick .
24 My part in the experiment was easy .
25 It was to be filmed in a Spanish club off Oxford Street , and I promised my flamenco friend Nuria , who taught me all I knew for my part in the About Face playlet , Señor Duende , that I would don a leotard and flounce for her .
26 Indeed , she was hot with me for my part in the business , and rang a fine peal over my head ! ’
27 The hon. Members for Birkenhead and for Halifax ( Mrs. Mahon ) and my hon. Friend the Member for Macclesfield referred to my part in the events of 1990 .
28 Abu Sueir , was a pleasant station , well-established and well-run by one of the oldest group captains in the RAF , and the adjutant was none other than " Happy " Day or " Wings " Day perhaps one of the best known officers of the pre and postwar RAF , " Happy " was indeed a character much larger than life , and even today when I meet a fellow student from my course in the RAF Club , he related with tears streaming down his cheeks an incident when " Happy " was taking the course on rifle drill .
29 He was shocked when I took off my shirt in the street to get some damn sun on my tits .
30 ‘ She was clearly my mistress in the Swiss hotel , though he did n't name her .
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