Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [adv prt] a " in BNC.

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1 A trip to the blood donors may seem like a strange topic to write about in a staff magazine but it is one that took my mind back a few years to the first time my mum persuaded me to go .
2 I pulled my skirt up a little but he said he 'd have to see higher than that to make sure my legs were n't bowed at the knees so I did as I was told .
3 I 'd better try to tidy my desk up a bit . ’
4 If I muck up a serve I 'm off .
5 The decorations shone on the walls and I loosened the buttons of my tunic and slipped my tie down a few inches .
6 Take Ian Woosnam , who , if I turn my notebook back a week , I find saying such things as : ‘ I am not in the groove at all .
7 I found my way down a communication trench .
8 I appreciate I should n't be spending my time up a ladder ,
9 The boys were back in town to finish off their latest album of dinkety-bonk and decided to let their hair down a bit after a little light refreshment in the bar .
10 Diana enjoyed herself enormously at the birthday party not least because it brought her sister down a peg or two .
11 They liked watching her play out a Cinderella fantasy , wearing gold lamé and riding in a gold-plated carriage to a ball from which she did not return until well after midnight .
12 It was at this point , partly because I was so nervous , that I felt it necessary to build her weight up a little , so I fed her up and overdid it , with the result that she got above her ideal flying weight .
13 I knocked her weight down an eighth of an ounce in preparation for the next flight , but the next day the weather was too bad for flying , so I ‘ fattened ’ her up again .
14 She is threatening to sue Mr Peter Owen , BA director of operations , unless he retracts a claim that the offer of her job back a ‘ second chance . ’ .
15 Blanche pushed her chair back a couple of paces .
16 She turned the pages quickly , ran her finger down a column , and said , ‘ Ah , Ian Woodall , qualified London the same year as Robert Sheldrake .
17 She forced her voice down an octave .
18 Yes , but one of them I 'll sign in your presence Maisie and her twenty year old son , not hundred per cent happy about it , I 'd prefer older people cos youngest like that are inclined try to put their music on a bit loud or invite their friends in when mum 's away , you know , and .
19 ‘ She 's making it all up , ’ said Joe , ‘ but she ca n't help it , she 's had no family life and it 's held her brain back a bit .
20 There were lots of people in plastic rain hoods puffing their way up a huge , cobbled stairway , complaining at how wide apart the steps had been laid .
21 INSURANCE was the furthest thing from Pat Whyte 's mind as she edged her way down an Austrian ski slope .
22 Stopping to pick up her mail from the box on her way out a few days later , she noticed the white envelope with the Andorran postmark straight away .
23 After scouring through several reports , he ran his forefinger down a column of figures and discovered the facts behind the old woman 's plight : commodity prices are plunging .
24 cut his card up a bit more .
25 Lawrence I think gave his handkerchief to turned his nose up a little and stuffed it into his left pocket .
26 Stephen and Christina led the PM and his wife down a flight of white marble steps and across the piazza to the marquee on the lawn .
27 But , generally , Ollie seemed to have been good for him and brought his character out a lot .
28 What fans did n't see was special effects boss Derek Meddings on the floor with his hand up her dress to keep it from ruffling up and his assistant up a ladder holding the tension on a piece of fish wire while the zip was being pulled down .
29 Pleased to make your acquaintance , I 'm sure , ’ said Bob Makins , rubbing his palm down a green apron before shaking his new master 's outstretched hand .
30 I 'm sure you do n't want to hear about Mark 's cousin getting done for selling crack mixed with concrete , or the Forest Of Dean whizzkid who tried to get the band 's mate to give them heroin so they 'd all become addicted so he could make a profit out of them , or Zac sticking his finger up a chicken 's arse , do you ?
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