Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [prep] national " in BNC.

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1 I thought I must join some service which is considered sufficiently hazardous , because when I am conscripted I can say I do n't wish to fight but I am ready to do my part in National Service .
2 I am both pleased and excited about my appointment as National Development Officer , but realise that there is a considerable challenge to be met , protecting existing classes , developing new ones , maintaining good working relations with all administrative and governing bodies and most importantly supporting the Society 's most valuable asset — its Teachers .
3 ‘ A snap of their slogan in national newspapers would be worth tens of thousands of pounds to them and our costs are peanuts next to that , ’ said Andrew .
4 The department has a multi-cultural staff from Polish to Italian to French , all able to pass on their expertise for national dishes when need be .
5 In fact , one might say that the article , with its defence of National Front thinking and its attack on liberalism , is reinforcing the value that one should be unprejudiced , for both the attack and the defence are based , in essence , upon deciding who should be called ‘ prejudiced ’ .
6 Both get their main support from specific areas and confuse the interests of their base with national interests , and thus , party and nation .
7 Though highly political in the later years of colonial rule , Mambo Leo was now largely apolitical , and its coverage of national affairs tended to be non-controversial .
8 Education again provides a good example : central government has a strong interest in the provision of an education service which meets its perception of national priorities ; local people , especially parents , expect to have considerable influence over the education provided for their children .
9 A ‘ new illegal Party ’ , it was somewhat picturesquely alleged , seemed in the process of creation out of all those — evidently disparate individuals and groups — united in their opposition to National Socialism and forming on that basis their assessment of domestic politics and the war situation .
10 The 12 electricity distribution companies are likely to test the market by seeking buyers for 20 p.c. of their holding in National Grid .
11 As to ‘ its effect upon national character ’ , Pearson thought that ‘ whether we are changing in the direction of a higher or lower morality is … the point that is most really at issue ’ .
12 Bishop Bell , who commissioned the play , was an influential British churchman who had consistently supported the German Confessing Church in its opposition to National Socialism .
13 By the end of March it had been announced that the coup organizers had disbanded their Council of National Reconciliation ( CRN ) and that a 25-member Transition Committee for the Salvation of the People ( CTSP ) had been established , with 10 military and 15 civilian members .
14 Germans seize their moment of national opportunity Commentary .
15 The county council does feel comfortable about the compliance of its alteration with national planning guidance .
16 Also , in practice , the program — because of its diet of national polls — is likely to underestimate the effects of localised pockets of voting strength .
17 The bank makes full banking facilities available to both personal and commercial customers through its own branches and its membership of National Westminster Group .
18 Apart from her post as national president , which ends three months from now , Mrs Richardson has links with our Diocese as chairman of the West Yorkshire District of her Church .
19 There will be some who may initially enjoy the appearance of their name in national and local newspapers , though even they , initially unused to the implications of media publicity , may come to regret their decision .
20 The new obsessions , which were already making their mark in national politics abroad with parties such as the Greens in Germany , would take over .
21 They will maintain firm control of public spending with the aim of keeping its share of national income on a downward trend over time .
22 In this case , between 1960 and 1975 , the dominant and bureaucratic-technical classes increased their share of national income by about 1 per cent , at the expense of the informal sector , which experienced a decrease of 1.3 per cent .
23 The bottom 40 per cent of households saw their share of national income fall from 8.7 per cent in 1981 to 6.0 per cent in 1986 .
24 Covering most of Strathclyde , Tyne and Wear , Durham , Cleveland , Merseyside , West and Mid Glamorgan , these SDAs sustained twice their share of national redundancies in these data .
25 Communication and Society : The Philippine Context is a compilation of papers on diverse aspects of communication and their relationship to national development .
26 At a CPSU congress in early July 1990 a reorganization of the party 's leading bodies confirmed the curtailment of their role in national political decision-making [ see pp. 37299 ; 37616 ] .
27 The first major theme is the effects of industrial innovation and diffusion on international patterns of trade and growth , including the continuing development of new databases on technological activities , comparisons of innovative activity in different countries and its impact on national economic performance and the economics of innovation and international trade ( G Dosi , K Pavitt , L Soete and P Patel ) .
28 The older , rusticated students were moved by appeals to their sense of national duty ( as well as by threats ) , while the younger students wished to revive anti-Japanese feeling because of what they perceived as the ‘ second Japanese invasion ’ .
29 This would allow the identification of implants that are doing badly and would allow individual units to compare their performance with national figures .
30 if the return to Conservatism is to be something more than the transient apparition of a spectre from the past , and its voice in national affairs not merely to be a sepulchral warning against the dangers of rash courses , the Conservative leaders must bestir themselves to some purpose … [ the Conservative Party ] must be ready to meet the programme of the Labour Party not simply with a non-possumus but with an alternative which will in some measure satisfy certain of the needs which Labour is concerned to satisfy , and at the same time avoid the perils with which it insists Labour policy is beset .
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