Example sentences of "[pron] [art] [noun pl] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 The cross at the base of the obelisks is the insignia of the Knights of Malta of whom the Carmelites ' patron , Balthasar Huerta , was a member .
2 To assist them the Farmers ' Union of Wales has produced an easy-to-use flock record book costing 50p .
3 Several Trade Unions agreed to support the Communist application , among them the Miners ' Federation of Great Britain , whose votes made up the bulk of those recorded for Communist affiliation at the Edinburgh Conference of the Labour Party .
4 He began his bookselling activities in about 1770 from his father 's shop , but had moved to 13 Aldgate High Street by the end of 1773 ; it was at this time that his first publications came out , among them the Ladies ' Museum ( 1773–1814 ) , and that he began to explore the possibilities of circulating libraries .
5 Without them the characters ' courage would look smaller ; and courage is perhaps the strongest element in the Tolkienian synthesis of virtue .
6 These new measurements were counted in two series of twelve with their poles at noon and midnight , and to differentiate between them the terms ante meridiem and post meridiem ( ‘ am ’ and ‘ pm ’ ) were coined .
7 The admission of the taxpayers ' children to the school therefore did not involve the school in losing full fees which would otherwise have been paid by members of the public for the places which the taxpayers ' children occupied .
8 ( The reader who fails to see how any system of entities in which the laws unc both fail can have any practical value has only to recall the familiar 3-dimensional vector calculus , denoting vector multiplication .
9 I think what 's very striking about the report which the students ' union have recently published and are circulating around the university , is the extent to which they have tended to define sexual harassment as being as much or at least as much a problem between students , a problem of behaviour between students and a problem of the sort of atmosphere in the colleges in terms of how that affects how peoples lives feel and and how they are how their behaviour what sort of behaviour is acceptable .
10 Guibert of Nogent , a distinguished raconteur , was in the city on 26 April , the day on which the burghers ' resentment boiled over into rebellion , and left this account of events :
11 Second , there is the issue of the manner in which the defendants ' entitlement is to be quantified in relation to ( a ) litigation costs and ( b ) non-litigation costs .
12 The study of black sportsmen and society brings into relief the way in which the youths ' orientations to school and what they expect to achieve from education affect , not segmentally but totally , their attitudes , postures and the way in which they apportion their time and energies .
13 but on the other of simmering discontent on the part of some prominent members of the town about the School and in particular its Headmaster , into which the Goldsmiths ' Company were dragged as unwilling participants .
14 AT&T Co has raised $400m with an issue of notes due May 1 1995 at par to yield 3.35% for the first year , after which the notes ' yield will float on a quarterly basis over the three-month London Interbank Offered Rate and are noncallable for life .
15 The principle elements of the hospice — single rooms and patient care facilities — project in a wing which extends along the base of the hills , around an internal courtyard over which the nurses ' station discreetly presides .
16 Well , we had that incident did n't we , several weeks ago in the tunnel , which the authorities er tried their best to play down ?
17 Margarete 's memorialising book about Milena , published when the author was already in her late seventies , gives grimly graphic pictures of camp life , and underlines , as if it were needed , how the two womens ' all too comprehensive experience of two totalitarian systems led Milena to declare that Stalinism and Hitlerism were indistinguishable ( as a result of which the communists ' leader in the camp declared that ‘ after the liberation Milena Jesenska and Margarete Buber-Neumann would be stood up against the wall by the Red Army . ’
18 An appalling clearance by Knight presented Thomas with the chance , but it still needed to be capitalised on and he launched a tremendous , looping shot which the Rovers ' supporters behind the goal knew was on target from the moment he hit it .
19 The project also explores the extent to which the scientists ' ( mis ) understanding of ‘ the ’ public may be as much a problem as public ( mis ) understanding of science .
20 Researchers , however , have been troubled by questions of sampling and by the extent to which the writers ' self-consciousness of their mission affects the data .
21 It 's a ‘ sculptural ’ piece , in which the performers ' bodies become a continuation of the sculptural pieces .
22 This fantasy is compounded in ads for sports shoes by Nike or Reebok , in which the superstars ' looks are almost as spectacular as their talent .
23 ‘ It is a ceremony by which the ti bon ange can be trapped in a corps cadavre . ’
24 As a result of the threatened strike — in which the women 's participation would have been crucial — Neill 's came to a separate agreement with the men , signed the memorial and thus dropped out of the dispute during the month of August .
25 I was thinking for instance in the context of Sri Lanka , where I was born , that there is n't a straight forward national liberation struggle , there are lots of problems such as militarism which the women 's movement has taken on in various ways and played a major part in combating .
26 Here is James Butterworth , for example , writing fifty years ago and reciting an uncannily familiar catalogue of ‘ postwar ’ trends against which the boys ' club leader of the 1930s must labour :
27 The managers ' legal advisers will seek to insert a schedule of limitations to the warranties , which the investors ' lawyers will equally naturally resist .
28 There is one other point , although erm you know , it 's good that they are in the er areas which the tenants er , live so it 's er not very difficult for tenants to come and see their councillors but er er , there is a difficulty at times when er the er air the housing manager has to ring around to get the er members , who are able to sit on that panel and sometimes that is difficult because we have just three members and sometimes they ca n't all fit in the , whereas when you have a larger group if one member ca n't attend , there 's invariably sufficient there to be able to come to a decision so I think that that 's on the other side of the balance sheet .
29 If the company or its ultimate holding company is a quoted company , the sale of such assets may also constitute a Class 4 transaction for which the shareholders ' approval is required under Stock Exchange rules .
30 In the absence of any objective index of the children 's true ability we can not know the extent to which the teachers ' ratings were themselves unduly influenced by the observed behaviour .
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