Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] the long " in BNC.

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1 At the same time as I was writing some correspondence ( including the note to you ) , I was attempting to organise the hand-over of certain severely disturbed patients to various colleagues who were to assume responsibility for them during the long vacation .
2 Big companies have the cash to sustain them through the long vicissitudes of permit-winning .
3 On the contrary , the miners ' wives seemed desperate to keep the spirit that had seen them through the long months , the solidarity and friendship and , above all , the feeling that together they could do something to change the world and make it a better place , not only for themselves , but for all those suffering injustice .
4 The message from brokers is apply for shares , but do not look to hold them for the long term .
5 The federal pump-priming for their establishment , eventually extended to cover their first eight years , was not intended to support them for the long term .
6 The expansion of forestry by means of a policy of attrition and isolation of farms is occurring but it is not necessarily a process which in the long term will lead to a reasonable balance of land use .
7 Even the most well-intentioned and politically sensitive non-governmental organizations found themselves supporting projects which in the long term strengthened individuals rather than communities , unrealistically raised expectations or created unintended dependency relationships .
8 Male callers however are far more likely to be looking for easy solutions to a debt problem , usually a further loan or re-mortgage which in the long term will often make the problem worse .
9 He had also , however , as Churchill perceived , conceded to Gandhi and the Congress movement a degree of recognition of their importance which in the long run could do the British no good .
10 For the next week I thought long and hard about undertaking an interview with the Queen Mother which would cover every aspect of her life but the great historical event which had changed it for ever ; which had propelled her and her husband to the throne , had made happy and glorious a reign which might otherwise have been disastrous , yet which was tragically cut short by illness and death , and which in the long run had made her far and away the most loved of all the members of the Royal Family .
11 Critics of Fiat therefore argued that its bid could be seen as a defensive move to improve its domestic position and , perhaps more importantly , to prevent a competitor from obtaining Italian production facilities , which in the long run could pose a threat to Fiat .
12 This reliance on the compulsive power of oratory started a rhetorical tradition which in the long run weakened liberalism ; rhetoric is unsuitable to the politics of interest and easily becomes the property of extremists .
13 Can we wait for prosperity and education to keep mankind in check ; so the humble villager , the wretched dweller in the shantytown does n't choose the traditional , unthinking , long-term option of a dozen children , the decision which in the long term destroys both them and theirs ?
14 When nobody from the long list of eminent organizations which had registered their opposition could be present , however ( which was most of the time ) , the burden of maintaining a presence and regular cross-examining was left to a few stalwarts .
15 Since the literary works to which Ken devoted himself in the long years which followed his brief episcopate were largely unremarkable and unread , the waste of his inspired and inspiring vocation as a bishop has appeared both to contemporary and subsequent critics exasperating ; for his scruples about swearing the oath of allegiance to William and Mary were so nearly overcome by his friends that he asked them not to continue their arguments lest he succumb .
16 Now the idea is catching on in Britain , so Lydia Ascroft says have a bash at massage and look forward to a sexier , slinkier you for the long , hot summer !
17 But the path of true love never did run smooth and who could blame Orsino for overlooking this waif-life creature with the short , dark , cropped hair for the Countess Olivia , she of the long flowing hair and dresses .
18 I know we 're all very upset by what 's happened here , but damaging your career now wo n't help you in the long run . ’
19 Again , this is information which is useful to you over the long term .
20 Again , this is information which is useful to you over the long term .
21 I am sure that your council will understand that the company can not commit itself to the long term investment programme , or expose itself to the commercial risks involved in the project , unless the facilities can be planned in a climate of security .
22 She ignored the amazed looks that followed them up the long hill out of town , glad to reach home long before the other two .
23 In some cases , however , the information on contacts may be slender , particularly if the sexual encounter followed a pick-up in a pub or resulted from a drunken all-night party which had been gate-crashed , and the contact-tracer may then be involved in trips , often abortive , to the Jolly Fig and Navel in the seedier part of town to try to locate Suzie — ‘ … the one with the long blonde hair , pink mini-skirt , and acne ’ .
24 I mean the one with the long nose . ’
25 The one with the long , he was funny man !
26 I saw no one on the long lonely road home , and the only enemy that attacked me was the midges .
27 You put that short one over the long ones to make the skirts stand out . ’
28 Politically we are on a hiding to nothing in the long run and so I guess the only satisfactory way forward would be to leave badgers completely alone and compensate farmers in full for badger-related losses , including consequential losses . ’
29 There is nothing in the long run that is more damaging to investment than inflation .
30 I also knew that experience in working with other birds would be useful to me in the long term .
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