Example sentences of "[pron] [n mass] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 My data here come from two conversations : one between two men , recorded for the Survey of English Usage , a large corpus-based project on the structure of educated British English , and one between two women — feminists — which I recorded for purposes of comparison .
2 So these wee things I I knew and er my staff soon found you see that well they just had to go along and do the job as it should be done , you see , and they were no good at kidding me that it had been done , for I used to examine everything that was done you see .
3 Before this I told my people not to watch Yorkshire . ’
4 ‘ We discovered time travel , but my people just sit and watch the events of the universe without getting involved .
5 My works never decorate , illustrate or depict a site .
6 At ground level , NOx is three times more potent than C02 , but at the height at which aircraft normally cruise ( around 12 km ) , it can be over 300 times as powerful .
7 An airline is to change its flying procedures after one of its aircraft almost crashed in Oxford .
8 But , once established , the service class is extremely effective in ensuring that its offspring also joins this elite .
9 None of the papers was well informed , unable , it would seem , to find among their staff any ffeatherstonehaugh members .
10 Islington can not even benefit from the ‘ dowry ’ system ( money paid by a health authority to a local authority for each patient returning to the community from hospital ) because their people never went to hospital .
11 Mr Ubial Susey , whose Department of Communication is a member of WACC and who served on WACC 's Central Committee in the 1980s , is publicising the plight of Zaire in an effort both to gain international support for his country 's struggle for democracy , and to encourage its people not to give up .
12 Kovalenko concluded that it was ‘ highly improbable that the five ASEAN countries , which lack adequate political , economic and military strength to force the imperialist powers to withdraw from Southeast Asia and thus make it possible for its people independently to determine their future , will be able to solve this question on their own ’ .
13 All the authors gave their manuscripts free , to help make Burma and its people better known , not only to the men of the forces , but more widely .
14 With about 20,000 inhabitants , it was roughly the same size as these two English towns , and was just as provincial and bourgeois in character , but its people really knew how to live .
15 ‘ A major problem in the Scottish software industry is that its people never meet , whereas they should to learn about possible joint ventures and other ways of cooperating , ’ said Gerry Docherty , the summit 's chairman and managing director of Real Time Engineering which recently won the 1993 TickIT National Quality Award .
16 Its people now pay a heavy price for the loss of their forests .
17 Shell 's powerful and imaginative promotions for its Advanced Fuel increased forecourt traffic so much that its sales now vie with Esso , previously Britain 's biggest petrol retailer ’
18 Here he is , at the outset , reporting from Brussels : ‘ You must not imagine that I live richly here , for my chief food is dry bread and some potatoes or chestnuts which people here sell on the street corner , but by having a somewhat better room and by occasionally taking a somewhat better meal in a restaurant whenever I can afford it , I shall get on very well … .
19 Here , we mean by ‘ pragmatic ’ those aspects of language processing which stem from general knowledge about the world and about the way in which people normally convey information in language .
20 It would seem fair to conclude that while for the bulk of the population Hitler 's image was no doubt related in an abstract fashion to finding a ‘ solution to the Jewish Question ’ , this was an issue which people either gave little thought to or deliberately turned their minds from , and that , correspondingly , Hitler 's public attacks on the Jews were something absorbed with little deliberation , forming no central part in explaining either the high peaks of his popularity or the collapse of the ‘ Führer myth ’ in the last years of the war .
21 That 's not strictly true , of course ; roads and buildings stand out because of the lights Which people kindly leave on for us .
22 THERE is a very simple and effective prophylaxis for malaria which people generally do n't know about .
23 In the next section we will argue that there are circumstances under which people selectively pay attention to certain kinds of information in a mental model , even though other information in the model might be used to interpret the current sentence .
24 Downstairs if you came in the front door ( which people rarely did ) you would find a large room on each side .
25 erm there it is very difficult , all the cases we work with are fairly miscellaneous , so therefore have very individual problems , you know , that are different every time , so the anger is going to be different , but we come down to a lot of fundamental erm similarities erm often to do with bureaucracy and structures erm which people just do n't fit into , you ca n't force people to fit into boxes .
26 It took me a very long time because I do n't have the kind of face which people immediately commit to memory , but if you keep popping up for thirty-five years , then inevitably people are going to say , ‘ Do n't I know you ? ’
27 Erm th the the bits of the properties which people actually saw .
28 As soon as one investigates which people actually marry each other one finds that the lightning shaft of Cupid seems to be guided rather strongly within very definite channels of class , income , education , racial and religious background .
29 It would be prepared to " flip " name-words and it would have access to useful cross-reference files derived from the forms of names and titles which people actually search for .
30 Given Hobbes 's view of egocentric human nature , according to which people always act in such a way as to produce pleasure and avoid pain , it is plain how they will behave in an ungoverned state of nature .
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