Example sentences of "[pron] [am/are] put [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The only mercy is that most of them are put out of their misery before they 've lived a tenth of their natural lifespan .
2 I had a close look at that table , obviously a matter of some interest and that 's the reason I return to this , as I read the table , there is a very substantial amount of double counting within it , for this reason , that all outstanding er planning permissions are included once , and there are then separate categories of allowance for all types of sites , namely large windfalls , conversions , small sites , and allocated sites , those are all put in , er or most of them are put in at thirteen years worth , that being the remainder of the plan period to two thousand and six , it will not have escaped you that if you include thirteen years worth all the existing commissions are part of that thirteen years , and so simplest approach to correct that table would simply to discount the outstanding commitments , because they 're all counted again as part of the thirteen years , I do have a secondary point that the allowance for conversions is very much higher than what seems to be happening , and in what is in the tables that er Mr Thomas drew it to your attention from the York City er appendix eight , so that er on on two counts , but mainly the double counting one there is a great deal of er erm optimism , if I can call it that , in that table .
3 It is there that I am putting up . ’
4 After one day on my own I am put back on trainee status .
5 I 'm putting on weight . ’
6 Of course when I run it , he can also see what I 'm putting on — chorus , overdrive , top boost …
7 Do watch these examples I 'm putting up , by the way cos I muck these up
8 ‘ Couple of my boys tell me you 're trying to earn a piece of that five grand I 'm putting up .
9 I 'm putting out no more clean linen until tomorrow .
10 But erm like , I 'm putting out of bounds signs on my mum 's and brother 's .
11 I get embarrassed when I 'm putting out there because so many people keep asking me how long and how many more times do you have to keep saying we 're waiting for the lorry to turn up .
12 IT IS a rather puzzling irony that in a country where we are apparently so obsessed with our homes , such a huge proportion of our new houses are mass produced boxes which are put up speculatively by developers who have little knowledge of their end customers ' needs and requirements .
13 It is always worth taking a fresh look at the toys and apparatus which are put out daily , to decide just why they are there .
14 ‘ These men had terriers with them , which are put down setts in illegal badger hunting .
15 He said : ‘ These men had terriers with them which are put down setts in illegal badger hunting .
16 Then she went on and dedicated her song to all those men here tonight who are still hunting , all of those who are unhappy in love , all of those who are putting up with second best , all those who are not getting what they want .
17 A plan to restore the windows at a cost of DFl.1.2 million has been approved by the State Office for Monuments who are putting up the greater part of the necessary funds .
18 ‘ This is for people who are put out of their natural home without any living skills .
19 Just dial HOL 3434 , and you are put through to ‘ a very special weather expert watching a radar screen ’ .
20 You 're putting on weight , ’ said the manager , picking up Arthur 's belt and looking at the notches .
21 You 're putting on quite a good display for someone who can hold her drink , ’ she heard him say sarcastically from the doorway .
22 These are whites you 're putting on are n't they ?
23 We are also accountable through the box office in terms that your public will not come and see events and pay their money if the events that you 're putting on are not of sufficiently high standard , so the accountability runs in three our four different channels and each of them are quite potent and quite immediate in terms of their impact that they can have on the Association .
24 You 're putting up candles in the wind now .
25 ‘ But I ca n't see why you 're putting up with such nonsense .
26 As long as you put clearly what it is you 're putting in .
27 You 've told me that you 're putting in about a hundred million pounds for this initial expansion , is that the limit ?
28 And hopefully you 're putting in more than that .
29 You know , you need to be really helpful when your teachers , your class you 're put in to .
30 We are putting on weight .
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