Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 Publishing a book for the purchaser to fill in himself may at first seem an odd idea , akin to selling empty wrappers !
2 This is the idea that denunciation can help to reduce the incidence of crime — a notion which may at first seem somewhat obscure , but which has a distinguished intellectual pedigree .
3 The chapter is another lesson in the value of exploring perspectivcs which may at first seem wholly incompatible .
4 One reason for this , which might at first sight seem paradoxical , was that , except in the aristocracy , the family unit had contracted .
5 Not all are valid but the variables that go into product make-up justify a far greater range than that which might at first appear strictly essential .
6 In their Narratives of love and loss ( 1987 , pp.1–2 ) they have set out ‘ to understand and … explain the astonishing emotional depth and moving power of works which might at first sight appear deceptively simple to adult readers , written as they are to be read by children ’ .
7 What she can also have , which might at first glance seen off-putting , is great expertise in some abstruse art or science , though this should never of course be an unpleasant one .
8 These distinctive properties may partly explain how acid-base transport systems can play several major physiological roles , including regulation of pH i and cell volume , transepithelial transport , and , perhaps , cell proliferation — roles which might at first seem mutually incompatible .
9 Because you can use a particular sort of algebra , based on the so-called binary system , which greatly shortens and simplifies problems , which might at first sight seem terribly long and complicated .
10 The mother 's job is even more exacting ; while remaining true to herself and her needs , she must at first embrace her baby in the closest hold , and then let her move away in steps of her own .
11 This is a much more significant practice than you might at first think , because the etche or house is the fundamental unit of Basque society , symbolizing the continuity of the family line and of the patrimony .
12 This is not as uncommon as you might at first think .
13 So far from being , as you might at first glance suspect , a wanton display of Milton 's monstrous learning , it 's a piece of triumphant relevance .
14 Her marriage to Prince Charles gave her a new security , not only in giving her status , but also because she could at first rely on him as something of a father figure , or at any rate a slightly square older brother .
15 Pressed flowers have many more uses than one might at first imagine , and as well as being used in their own right , they can also serve as the inspiration for further designs .
16 To take just two other segments , Hayzen says that the ‘ Awaken ’ segment is not so favoured as one might at first think , because rivals may chip away at one 's profits by undercutting product prices .
17 In the King James version of John 's Gospel , there might at first seem to be some slight clarification .
18 In fact , Hayzen 's policy implications may not be quite so relevant as they may at first seem .
19 Although considerable effort has been made to develop an automatic release for the towplane , the problems are not as simple as they might at first seem and so far no really satisfactory technical answer has been found .
20 The conditions under which trade may be carried out may not be as simple as they might at first appear .
21 MICK CLEARY argues that no matter how anxious we are to welcome them , the arguments for SA '95 are not as persuasive as they might at first appear .
22 It may be concluded , therefore , that the advantages which Categories 1 and 2 afford to the prosecution are by no means as great as they might at first sight appear to be .
23 This debate is important because it points up that ‘ the facts ’ are not necessarily as simple and straightforward as they might at first sight seem .
24 His idea was that , as the Masai acquired more and more permanent waters , they would at first acquire more and more cattle ; indeed , the prospect of doing so would be the incentive required to get them to pay for the water in the first place .
25 They will at first be assailed after meetings by colleagues saying ‘ Good for you ’ and ‘ I wish I 'd had the courage to say that ’ and ‘ That 's just what I think .
26 The energies required to probe the nucleus are therefore high , so it may at first seem surprising that visible light with its moderate energies can reveal important information about the nucleus .
27 This is not at all the simple task that it may at first seem : we shall see that considerable care must be taken in interpreting the official statistics on unemployment .
28 The idea of ‘ accidentally sparkling ’ Champagne is far more plausible than it may at first seem .
29 ‘ In the mind ’ is therefore a more complex term than it may at first seem .
30 Although it may at first feel as though you will always be the new member of staff , or that you will never stop asking questions , most returners express appreciation and gratitude for the support and practical help offered by colleagues , and for the warm welcome extended to them on their return .
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