Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [vb pp] such " in BNC.

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1 Maybe it is for myself I mind , rather than for him ! 'T IS not so much that Richard is bound for sanctuary — as that I am denied such privilege .
2 I was given such a very early start in the game and looking back now I think of it as an even more remarkable achievement than I did at the time , ’ says Dozzell .
3 When I rang the consulate I was told such help would be hard to obtain on a Sunday night .
4 A lot of people still remember Her Ladyship , the little white cow which was featured such a lot in Too Long a Winter , and so do I , of course .
5 The few jobs that are available are so poorly paid that the few who are offered such employment can not afford to take it as they would n't be able to afford the rent on their new homes .
6 And she 's made such a difference to me .
7 All right , nine was a little young for her first sexual encounter , but now she 's come to like it she 's become such a friendly child .
8 ‘ I 'm sure there are , but I can quite honestly say that you 're the first one I 've been aware of , or who 's made such a marked impression on me after so short an acquaintance . ’
9 It 's astonishing they 'd consider giving work to a man who 's committed such a crime .
10 But if there are n't enough staff to meet this approach , the result is a double stress for the nurse who is taught such an approach , but given no opportunity to put it into practice .
11 Detectives are eager to hear from anyone who is offered such goods in suspicious circumstances .
12 But we are given such a huge sweep from birth to incipient death that the movie never draws breath long enough to give us any depth or conflict .
13 Finally we are offered such topics as Landscape-Movement ( Joan Eardley , W.G. Gilles , John Minton and Ivon Hitchens ) and Landscape-Space , with last but not least an Elizabeth Blackadder still life and Edward Middleditch 's panoramic vision of sea and rocks .
14 Although clearly one can sympathise with Lear one can not expect anything else of the two sisters when they are shown such a bad example of love from their father in his dealings with Cordelia .
15 ‘ Whereas we had a comfortable semi-final win on Saturday , Powerhouse were forced to show their hand when they were given such a hard match by Jets in their semi-final , ’ said Stokes , who was an interested spectator .
16 ‘ They turned Reading round after that debacle in '88 , and at the time I was very surprised that Vince did n't accept the new contract because it 's become such a prestigious event .
17 It 's hoped such successes will promote the exhibition 's theme : Space — The Next Generation …
18 This is because it is considered such a minor part of the hobby , with just a couple of species available , Monos and Scats .
19 This is illustrated by the case of the old person who wishes to go into residential care , who is fit and well but wants the comfort and security which it is considered such care will provide .
20 He 's met such a nice girl ! ’
21 See Stewart v. Dunphy , 1980 S.L.T. ( Notes ) 93 in which it was decided such persons were guilty of an offence .
22 North Merseyside was dismissed immediately as existing staff would be unlikely to wish to relocate to the area and it was felt such a location would not serve to enhance the company 's recruitment image .
23 I suppose it was considered such a terrible thing to say about anyone that it had become a totally taboo concept — even for your worst enemy .
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