Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Have n't you found me rather a good audience ? ’
2 She gave me rather a long look but let it go at that .
3 It is one sign of the rise of semi-literacy that the descendants of the nineteenth-century civic worthies who took pride in the libraries they opened genuinely can not see any problem in closing them down a hundred years later , or authorising the ruthless dispersal of their stocks built up during that period .
4 We used to chase them down a narrow valley with a sheer cliff-wall at the end . ’
5 One of these walks used to take them down a narrow side-street in a busy part of London .
6 Better to have only 1,000 farmers at an event , but almost all of them intimately involved with growing a particular crop , the logic runs , than 10,000 farmers of whom only a small proportion will be interested in particular machines .
7 At the beginning of September 1942 , the German 6th Army under General Paulus had reached Stalingrad — a city whose capture would have had symbolic significance ; on 19 November a major Soviet counter-offensive had begun and led , within only a few weeks , to the encirclement of the 250,000 men of the 6th Army ; by Christmas 1942 the situation was as good as hopeless ; on 10 January , the last Russian assault commenced ; on 31 January Paulus — disobeying orders of the Führer that the troops had to fight to the last man — surrendered , and almost 90,000 survivors entered Soviet captivity , from whom only a small minority were to return .
8 For those for whom only a pure object-oriented language will do , Micro Focus is also offering a Smalltalk/V-Cobol environment so that Smalltalk can be used as a front end to Cobol programs , offering quick prototyping capabilities .
9 Dinah Arkwright had laid her elegant black-gloved hand on the sleeve of a stocky young man with a short beard , whom only a few could name .
10 It seems that they chase somebody like John who , at the outside may end up after five years owing them perhaps a hundred to two hundred pounds
11 The fellow grinned and took them along a dark , smelly passageway into another chamber where the keeper of Newgate , Fitzosbert , was squatting behind a great oak table like a king enthroned in his palace .
12 They must have walked for about another ten minutes and could glimpse the blue wood-smoke rising above the trees from Godstowe village when suddenly the porter stopped , turned left , and led them along a narrow beaten trackway into the forest .
13 The route they had taken into the underground passages had led them along a wide , high-ceilinged passageway that was easy to negotiate .
14 British socialism , so alien to the American way of life , was to them only a short step away from communism , which they feared would engulf the whole of Europe .
15 It had taken them only a short time to realise they were from opposite sides in the Therapeutic Wars , but it had caused little friction .
16 Then , very quietly , she said : ‘ What a brave girl you are , Jenny , to cross by those stepping-stones after falling in from them only a few days ago .
17 I detect no conventional underlying plan : although certain melodic ghosts ( from La Mer , and if I 'm not mistaken from Berg 's Op. 6 Orchestral Pieces ) seem to cry like shags and gannets from the rocks at various locations around the coast , the work really does offer itself as a succession of episodes , most of them only a few bars in length ( the shortest of all is the single bar — string and brass glissandi giving onto flutter-tongue flute with gong — that represents Orfordness ) .
18 When describing what health means to them personally a different set of explanatory frameworks appear to be invoked ( Table 6.2 ) .
19 ‘ You would have seen them together a fair bit and it 's just so sad this should happen while they were on holiday . ’
20 The disappointment is vivid yet of the Christmas day when the postman arrived at last , hours late , and brought me only a long narrow box of crackers .
21 It took me only a few weeks to realise that the medical world would never come to grips with polio until it could isolate the virus which caused it .
22 I hardly would — you told me only a few minutes ago . ’
23 ‘ I think that the young painters are more intelligent than the others , the old ones can see in me only a disastrous rival ’ , he said to his son in a letter written only a few days before his death .
24 I thought I would go and take one of the head ones and journey along down to that place and so , you know , is there any chance you slipping me down a good four long ones and if he says no , think again ?
25 The plot was two corpses gone before we caught sight of ourselves , stripped naked in the middle of nowhere and pouring ourselves down a bottomless well .
26 Am I not a good wife to you ?
27 Am I not a peace-loving man ? ’
28 I think we could organise ourselves just a little bit better , erm
29 Or am I just a moaning old crone ?
30 Is this normal or am I just a good driver ?
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