Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [adv] than " in BNC.

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1 The petrochemicals business employs some 3500 people on Teesside , of whom rather less than 100 are in the headquarters group .
2 And that is also why , speaking for myself , I have always been a little suspicious of what is described as ‘ purposive ’ construction , at least in cases where the purpose is not self-evident , although authority has compelled me on more than one occasion to apply it .
3 As Past President , , has said to me on more than one occasion , there is no finer Institute of which to be a member than the British Institute of Embalmers .
4 Furthermore Mr himself has said to me on more than one occasion that given the history of the situation it 's unlikely that we would get anybody of sane mind to take over the running of the two centres .
5 I believe they still need three or four players and they need them sooner rather than later .
6 Indeed , I felt a little frightened of the prospect of being torn from there , torn like ivy from a solid wall that had borne me through more than three years of my short life .
7 As it happens , he paces himself much better than Corbett and other stand-up comics , and in his own sober way milks the material ruthlessly .
8 Under Article 28 ( a ) of the Convention the Assembly of the Organisation was to elect the Maritime Safety Committee from the ‘ governments of those nations having an important interest in maritime safety of which not less than eight shall be the largest ship-owning nations …
9 That the Corporation do maintain a good and efficient School , whereof a Free School , at which not less than 30 boys are to be educated , shall form apart .
10 The professor shall lecture , or hold classes , in two at least of the three university terms and shall give at least thirty-six lectures or classes in all and not less than twelve in each of two terms , of which not less than sixteen must be lectures .
11 A tenancy granted for a term of years certain of which not less than three years remain unexpired is an owner 's interest for the purpose of serving blight notices ( Town and Country Planning Act 1990 , s168 ) .
12 In last week 's Tribune , Sawyer suggested that ballots of affiliated members in leadership contests might be made compulsory and that block votes could be split , although he expressed himself more cautiously than Gould intends to .
13 Here , on a small island of some 2,000 or so souls , pocketed by the encircling hills around its charming port , was the ideal place for him to gather his thoughts and address himself more seriously than he had been able to do in busy Montreal , grim London or frenetic New York .
14 The man himself was affecting her more powerfully than any other man had ever done in the whole of her life .
15 She was not content to be insulted in cafés by waiters more rude than any to be found in Northam ; she could not accept the lowliness of her status , for it seemed to pain her more abroad than it had done at home , and she felt that she should somehow have escaped it , that she should have been changed , somehow , into something new .
16 ‘ Oh my ! ’ said Bob , looking at her more seriously than his voice would have suggested , ‘ you have changed your tune .
17 Extending the curriculum to include a range of applications which more adequately than at present represents the kinds of human endeavour where mathematics is used would be another such change , with fewer examples involving ballistics and war , for instance , and more involving such activities as working with fabrics , designing appliances for the disabled or looking at the school canteen 's queuing problems .
18 Drugs do nothing to remove the cause of a headache which more often than not stems from nervous and muscular tension , something aromatherapy massage will gently soothe away .
19 Is not it clear from those figures and from many others that it takes a Conservative Government to deliver the goods to NHS patients and that all the Opposition have to offer are promises which more often than not prove false ?
20 Barry now parodies himself even better than Spitting Image .
21 The frequency of such bids has made it seem that stockmarket valuations are arbitrary , that bidders are stealing money from somebody else rather than creating wealth , and that American and British managers spend too much time shuffling assets and too little investing ( that is , building factories ) for the future .
22 in the second half Wimbledon threatened to run away with it but Judge saw them off more than once and then United came good again with a late charge …
23 In practice , the extent of change engendered by the staffing delegation component of LMS will vary from LEA to LEA and from school to school and in nothing more so than in appointments .
24 When feminist psychologists examine areas of specifically female experience , they manage to value them more positively than the traditional psychology of women does .
25 Going back to those first commands and prohibitions on which ( among other things ) conscience is founded , it is apparent that some babies heed them more readily and consistently than others , and that some parents convey them more effectively than others .
26 Each time she heard her name the girl stared at them more anxiously than ever , as if she wanted to speak , to excuse herself , but was too exhausted .
27 As long as that condition lasted , the time they spent together , instead of adding to their store of shared experiences , depleted the existing one , leaving them more apart than when they were separated .
28 It will be an ‘ entitlement ’ to children only if the teachers ' interpretation of it and their teaching style , as it is affected by its requirements , will make them more rather than less likely to be the teachers with the sorts of qualities which are likely to engage their learners , interests .
29 They would be drawn into the system which mulcted them and bullied them more completely than ever .
30 Some people have them more conspicuously than others , and if you are not expecting , and even if you are , it can be a very upsetting aspect of pregnancy , as several mothers had found :
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