Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] have the " in BNC.

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1 With me I had the two Kens .
2 An ex-agent of mine told me I had the wrong attitude to charity shows ; I did too many .
3 He told me I had the love of Art , but not the religion of Art .
4 In order to cope with the workload allocated to me I have the help of two Assistant Solicitors .
5 One of the most capable and widely respected of radio managers in Canada is Sid Boyling , with whom I had the pleasure of working , back in those early days of broadcasting at 1OAB where he was chief announcer .
6 Other Hollywood stars with whom I had the pleasure of working in the war effort included Fred MacMurray , Herbert Marshall , Edgar Bergen ( with Charlie McCarthy ) and Barbara Stanwyck , among others .
7 The three concerned were TWW , with whom I had the closest ties , Southern Television and Granada .
8 Meanwhile Dr. Elliott Gabellah , acting President of the African National Council — with whom I had the good fortune to breakfast , morning after morning , at the Caux world assembly last August — is conferring with Presidents Kaunda and Nyerere in Zambia .
9 He is a man for whom I have the greatest admiration .
10 ‘ May I know to whom I have the pleasure … ? ’
11 At one of them I had the experience of hearing the Bax works played by Eda Kersey .
12 Actually I was cos I I had the back door open and I thought I 'll just leave it and if he wants to come in he can and I poured him a a bit of a drink of milk and er , then I went in the kit , in the bathroom and the door was still open and then suddenly I thought God I wonder where he was ?
13 I mean I I had the guitar stuff done within an hour but it getting all vocals over-dubbed and doubling everything up and then , it took forever to mix it together .
14 But he is someone I have the greatest admiration for .
15 Slim in her dungarees , with her long , curly , chestnut hair and wide-eyed enthusiasm , some would tell you Marcia was ‘ a little cookie ’ , but I saw someone who had the wisdom to recognise where she was happy and the courage to act on it .
16 Most of us know someone who had the misfortune to suffer a bad car crash , or a heart attack , or a breakdown .
17 It was an impressive political statement that the electors had elected someone who had the right to be emperor .
18 The appraisers were two , three or four local men appointed by the executors ; usually they were friends and neighbours ( some of whom were illiterate ) , but they often included someone who had the reputation of knowing how to do the job .
19 HIV can not be caught from food prepared by someone who has the virus .
20 Thus , if you want your report read by someone who has the authority to implement your proposals , be brief and incisive .
21 Electrical work should , in general , be left to someone who has the knowledge and confidence to carry it out and who can follow the Wiring Regulations .
22 I thought that Basil appreciated more than most the essential magic of the child 's experience of the world and the expression of this in art — not that he ever said this , but his own manner as a teacher always implied that this was a special , essentially elevated kind of activity — but one in which everyone had the capacity to join .
23 A study in 1971 found that of 132 political states only 12 were true nation-states in which everyone had the same native tongue .
24 That every person is an end in himself or herself is related to the fact that the only thing which is good without qualification and in all circumstances is a good will , something which everyone has the potential to be , whatever talents or gifts of fortune they may or may not possess .
25 This show and a number of other CBC programmes which I had the pleasure of producing were relayed to the Canadian forces overseas by the BBC from London throughout the war .
26 Even were it so minded , the privately owned National Grid Company would be prohibited from arbitrarily preventing access to its system , by both the terms of the Electricity Act of 1989 ( which I had the honour to pilot through Parliament ) and by the electricity regulatory body , OFFER ( Office of Electricity Regulation ) .
27 I thought it might have amused X. Ray to see it and hoped one day he would , but not under the hostile circumstances in which I had the misfortune to discover myself .
28 He and I were present at the recent opening of its new school building , for which I had the pleasure of being the Minister responsible for making available the necessary resources .
29 I point to the last Northern Ireland Assembly , of which I had the honour of being Speaker .
30 At the conference of the Institute of Housing at Harrogate in 1985 , Mr. Banham praised the authority of the city of which I had the privilege to be leader , describing it as the most efficient authority in Britain .
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