Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] the government " in BNC.

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1 But erm as I say , they did er , the people did but you never got nothing off the government for it and er , I 've always said it , he must have been a much better man than I thought he was because er , er , to go as I say from what it was in those days to start his own business and that .
2 He has said nothing about the government 's economic package , with its plan for a FFr68 billion rise in taxes .
3 This says nothing about the Government 's industrial strategy , because although the Government give nothing to the DCDC , they give more than £500,000 to the Devon and Cornwall development bureau , the inward investment bureau .
4 THE only thing that puzzles me about the Government decision to ban the Northern Irish Protestant terror gang , the UDA , is why it has taken them so long to do it .
5 And Sarah Morgan likes the idea of Angela marrying someone in the government . ’
6 Her job is to push Cabinet ministers ‘ to do what is right ’ ; this involves reminding them of the Government 's strategy laid down in the manifestos and combating what she regards as the inertia inherent in departments .
7 Another former confidant , John Biffen , in effect removed himself from the government after coded criticism of the Prime Minister 's strident , dogmatic style .
8 MR JOHN MacGregor , the Education Secretary , has distanced himself from the Government 's loans scheme for students by appointing the two most junior ministers at the Department of Education and Science to sit on the parliamentary committee discussing the Education ( Student Loans ) Bill .
9 GE is headed by former environment minister Brice Lalonde and was set up with Mitterrand 's encouragement , but Lalonde has increasingly distanced himself from the government in recent months , criticizing Socialist policy on the environment .
10 Although he had deliberately distanced himself from the government since being ‘ sacked ’ as prime minister nearly two years ago and although he personally remained untainted by the multiple scandals which have beset the Socialist Party , he found himself caught up in the great tidal wave of rejection of the Socialists , which has swept the country .
11 The title ‘ Head of the Commonwealth ’ , against which from the government benches I registered a lone protest upon the second reading of the Royal Titles Bill in March 1953 , enshrines a paradox which thirty years ago two countries in particular conspired for their own purposes to ignore : India , in order to become a republic while forfeiting none of the privileges which allegiance had conferred , and Britain , in order to feed its delusion that the Empire was being transformed into something brighter and better still .
12 Though nobody on the government side had shown his hand , it was hardly necessary .
13 in notes 37 we told you about the Government 's policy on market testing .
14 None of the Government 's proposed reforms will be effective without a threefold increase in the number of HMIP pollution inspectors , extra resources for local authority environmental health officers and far more effective monitoring . ’
15 He asked : ‘ Who in the Government intends to take responsibility for this negligence on a vast scale , that is now costing vast sums of public money ? ’
16 Who in the Government intends to take responsibility for this negligence on a vast scale , that is now costing vast sums of public money ? ’
17 that wh who in the government would he dispose of and he sat and smiled gently and said well he would n't have appointed any of them in the first place .
18 Interest is now focused on how this might manifest itself in the government 's promised rethink on constitutional reform .
19 On Aug. 14 the Council of State disassociated itself from the government , claiming that it was " corrupt and incompetent " and had failed to deal with " terrorists " .
20 The film I watched ( 4 May ) addressed itself to the government 's 30-page pamphlet Protect and Survive .
21 Such a policy should commend itself to the Government and my constituents , and I will be perplexed if it is not accepted today .
22 Deputy chairman Angela Rumbold said the decision was ‘ the right one for the party and the right one for the Government ’ .
23 The idea of a general election was therefore a tempting one for the government .
24 Was the V. & A. 's Chairman trying to tell us something about the government 's degree of responsibility for the staff restructuring plans announced by the V. & A. 's Director and rashly endorsed by himself in 1989 ?
25 On the surface , there is something in the government 's view .
26 He 's something in the government , I guess .
27 Her father is something in the government … ’
28 ‘ There have never been any thoughts in my mind that I would get something from the Government . ’
29 There is virtually no one in the Government who disagrees .
30 Although some Treasury ministers have hinted that economic recovery is in sight , no one on the Government benches has dared predict when unemployment will cease its remorseless rise .
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