Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [det] than " in BNC.

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1 When he had finished , she said nothing for more than a minute , but continued to stare at him , as if still seeking the assurance she had hoped his account would supply .
2 To some extent he was lucky : at the beginning of his reign he encountered a pope , Gregory X , whom he had already met in England in the 1260s and on crusade in 1272–4 ; at the end of his reign Edward had to deal with a pope , Clement V , who had been his subject and his servant in Bordeaux ; in the interval between these two popes there were ten others , but nine of these together occupied the papal throne for barely fifteen years , five of them for less than a year each , two for four years apiece , one for nearly three , and one for two only .
3 No but you can get them you can get them for less than that .
4 ‘ Let's hope this is the last chapter for them — it has been hanging over them for more than a year — and they can now start to rebuild their lives . ’
5 The raiders fled empty-handed and Iris — who has n't competed in a race for 57 years — chased after them for more than half a mile .
6 But Daphne 's dear familiarity , the pleasure of her company , the comfort of knowing pretty well what she would say in response to any remark , the whole warm , easy , ancient closeness that had subsisted between them for more than half a century , won over Cecilia 's temporary , though profound , embarrassment .
7 I 've written about this before and I expect I 'll write about it again , because I get more frustrated knitters questioning me about this than almost anything else .
8 Alice thought it would be easier to phone someone like that than her own mother if you had done what she had done , but she could be wrong there .
9 Giving Martin Bramah and Marcia Scofield the flick has deprived them of more than just some choppily percussive guitar phrasings and deft keyboard work .
10 Giving Martin Bramah and Marcia Scofield the flick has deprived them of more than just some choppily percussive guitar phrasings and deft keyboard work .
11 Ironically the adjoining mills , which for more than a century provided employment for almost the entire village and sup-plemented the picture now provided by the museum , were abruptly shut down in 1988 : bought up by a large firm , the premises were paid an afternoon visit by a director who announced imminent closure and drove off .
12 It was a conquest which would be theirs for more than half a century .
13 The working hypothesis I end with , however , is that the subjective experiences of work , engendered by the application of particular rational-scientific principles of work organization , can have the psychic consequence that the worker is asked to manage himself at less than a mature level .
14 The government said that it was clear that Mr Athulathmudali was yet another victim of the Tigers , who for more than a decade have been fighting for a separate Tamil state on the island .
15 So , NME , you 've reached 40 and I 've been reading you for more than half that time .
16 The second , or spare rod , is never left to fish for itself for more than a couple of minutes .
17 At most I get just enough to wet the bottom of the collection cup , and sometimes none for more than a week .
18 The best ( rated 5 ) will pay for itself in less than a year , while the least cost-effective ( rate 0 ) is worth doing only if you are planning to carry out other major renovation work at the same time .
19 For real benefit , allow your exercise to help you on more than simply a physical level .
20 I 'd actually prefer to send you to that than go to it myself , because I think that would be a better use of time .
21 But as I tried to follow his instructions , keeping my fists up and my chin tucked in and learning a new kind of dance on the balls of my feet , the sight of his bare , hairless chest , so brown and muscular , would suddenly fill me with more than muscular weakness , and I felt I would collapse , not under the playful blows he landed on my discombobulated body , but under the sheer spell of his magnificence .
22 She wo n't charge me with more than my due , nor will she let that lad pay for a death I 'm sure he does not owe .
23 The next issue is whether the managers benefit from their position as directors or employees so as to acquire something for less than its full market value .
24 Infact it is alot easier doing something like this than going into the ring because you see all their fresh faces and all they care about is having their quetions answered .
25 Well I have to say Sandra that I would , alright you 've got a lot of mess , but I have to say I 'd sooner have one like that than
26 But their recording finds them in less than top form , and Solti sometimes leads them astray .
27 Narratorial frustration is evident in the disjointed structure of the novel which focuses briefly on a number of subcultures of professional London without bothering to link them in more than a cursory manner .
28 Surely it would be better to content herself with that than stay on , laying herself open to inevitable heartbreak .
29 And the fact is Jimi just turned me on more than anybody else , for his music .
30 Obviously we do n't want to expose them to more than they can take .
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