Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [vb -s] the " in BNC.

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1 Erm on the er process check list , erm a difference from ourselves which does the affect the price of group three , which we purposefully left out , they have quoted er a price for a soils investigation .
2 ‘ It would not be applied to someone who uses the house as their family home but works away from home for most of the week , ’ said Mr Soley .
3 Now you 're thinking of sharing it all with someone who feels the same .
4 Furthermore , a claim of discrimination can be brought by someone who lacks the necessary qualifying service for unfair dismissal rights .
5 There 's Jane Eyre where the wedding is interrupted by someone who says the groom is already married .
6 The comradeship so typical of the occupational culture of the police does not extend to ‘ covering the ass ’ ( a phrase made eloquent in the sociology of policing ) of someone who lets the whole side down .
7 Take the word ‘ loyal ’ and consider someone who deplores the kind of character it indicates .
8 Voicing of complaints can be done by someone who assumes the status of acting as collective mouthpiece .
9 In the footballing faternity , Wilko is highly regarded as someone who reads the game well .
10 If your dog shows a marked degree of aggression with which you can not cope , you must get it to someone who understands the breed and can help .
11 Thankfully it is comparatively rare for human beings to seek to exterminate those creatures whom they regard as very much their inferiors — it is hard to find someone who favours the meaningless slaughter of dogs , for example .
12 Someone who sees the dance that Rainbow is doing , and wants to join her .
13 The RYA produces a booklet called ‘ Clubs for Newcomers ’ ( £1.50 from the RYA ) which lists over 400 clubs around the country which are open to new membership with a contact name of someone who knows the club well and could show you around .
14 When an act becomes more established , or if it is a new band with good management and someone who knows the business , the agent may make a 10 per cent deal — the standard commission rate .
15 ‘ But I 'm writing a report for someone who knows the background , the jargon and the problem .
16 We all need someone who knows the secret of our hearts ’ .
17 This computer will include information gathered by area constables whose job is to : ‘ secure the service of at least one observer in every street , not a paid professional informant , but someone who knows the inhabitants and is inquisitive enough to find out what is going on and will pass on information . ’
18 Steven Isserlis has said that he needs ‘ a safety net not to have to worry whether I 've ever played this or that bar properly during the session and also someone who knows the kind of musical personality I am and whether I have covered a particular stretch of music the way I would want .
19 For instance , we assume he would satisfy our behavioural criteria for being someone who knows the meaning of the word bank .
20 " They 'll need someone like me , someone who knows the moor inside out . "
21 In clinical case management there is a recognition that the worker is an important resource , and an awareness that the process of assessment and reassessment is a crucial function , to be discharged by someone who knows the client really well over a long period of time .
22 Someone who knows the mind of priests .
23 We 'd like someone who knows the family to come over . ’
24 He says it 's part of the staff 's contract that they work different shift from time to time — at times of crisis or if someone is sick we have to ask someone who knows the job to cover .
25 One glimmer of hope though , tonight police say that someone who knows the couple claims to have seen them at a garden centre in herefordshire .
26 For example , someone who accepts the official theory of life in the classroom and ‘ wants to learn ’ can be heavily sanctioned with abusive appellations from the same stock as are applied to the opposition on the terraces ( cf.
27 Durkheim regards the criminal as someone who provides the community with an opportunity to reassert standards , which he or she had broken or opposed .
28 Covenanted donations to charities for a term of more than three years can be offset against tax if you are someone who pays the higher rate of tax .
29 Opportunities range from those which are more or less obvious to everyone to those which are only spotted by someone who makes the conceptual breakthrough .
30 All that was fine and good , but in the end it 's not enough to have someone who makes the trains run on time .
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