Example sentences of "[pron] [art] [noun] be " in BNC.

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1 To thee the privilege is given ,
2 If you have had more than a little alcohol you would probably become so relaxed that you fell asleep and nothing the therapist was saying would register at all .
3 If we do nothing the badger is doomed to suffer , and terrible suffering goes on all the time .
4 He told me the daughter was a bad lot though .
5 And for me the beginning was when I was young ; before the Soviets , before the Nazis .
6 Thirty years later , recalling the revelation of tribal art , Picasso spoke of the Demoiselles as his ‘ first exorcism picture ’ : ‘ For me the masks were not simply sculptures , they were magical objects …
7 We saw some wild boar which paid little attention to our passing elephants , and we saw several magnificent peacock and a number of monkeys ; to me the monkeys were bandar log , straight out of Kipling 's Jungle Book .
8 A lot of discussion went on between J Walter Thompson and my agent 's assistant , who told me the idea was to vary the commercials considerably so as not to bore the general public .
9 But for me the metal is a little better for my playing style . ’
10 For the comprehension items , the tester speaks the two stimulus sentences — for example , ‘ The cat is behind the chair ’ ; ‘ The cat is under the chair ’ — and then requires the child to ‘ Show me the cat is under the chair ’ from a set of pictures .
11 He mentally circumcised me the day be signed my first pay-cheque . "
12 To me the grenadilla is without compare ; its flowers are sweet like the flowers of roses , but its fruit is like no other fruit and I would choose it before the nectar of the gods .
13 A typed version tells me the poem was written in December 1957 .
14 Yet for me the ice is here , the ice is there , the ice is all around .
15 Epsilon ( 4.1 ) , between Beta and Lambda , is also of type M , and is decidedly orange , though to me the colour is much less pronounced than that of Mu .
16 For to me the stars are mote-like , just twists of dust .
17 ‘ For me the decision was n't hard , ’ she said .
18 For me the relationship was ended . ’
19 ‘ They 've told me the plan is that I should be opening , all things being equal , ’ he explained .
20 Thank you for sending me the documents being prepared for this conference .
21 I had wept back in the office after Mr Charles had told me the Scharnhorst was steaming up the channel unchallenged .
22 But to me the man is also important .
23 Around me the camp was settling down for the night , bricks securing groundsheets , tent flaps tied tight , kerosene lamps hissing away their shadows .
24 ‘ I do n't care where it 's done — for me the play is the thing , ’ she says .
25 ‘ I started out with a mission and for me the mission is n't over … and that is to bring the heavyweight title to England . ’
26 ‘ It seems to me the law is reasonably plain .
27 To me the issue was meta-numerical .
28 ‘ Someone told me the hedge is centuries old .
29 Far below me the sea was making its lacework on the water and flinging wreaths of gold on the shore .
30 People have told me the lemon was to mask the taste of the uneven products made at that time by unscientific country brewers ; I do not believe that .
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