Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] way [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He laughs again , and crosses to his one way window .
2 In comers landed clumsily and made their tricky way nest ward ; outgoers waddled to the edge of the rock and plunged sea wards .
3 Unless they get back to their winning ways Rovers could even miss the play-offs .
4 There 's the woeful ‘ Move Around ’ and the surging ‘ Misery ’ , adding dimension to their one way ticket to success .
5 Bases in Martinique and Union Island between which one way charters are available and Tortola .
6 There was no immediate sign of an answer , but after Creggan had given up any hope of a reply and was looking at the path lights beginning to come on in the Park outside the Zoo there was a subtle shift of talons in Slorne 's cage , a gentle shift of wings , the swiftest of meek glances , and Creggan , too late to catch the look full on , yet sensed that in her mute way Slorne was saying ‘ Yes , oh yes , you were right to predict her return ’ This knowledge that another eagle there believed his prediction had been right gave Creggan comfort in those first weeks in the Cages .
7 The ideal of beauty and normality can not perish in a healthy society ; and for this reason you ought to let art go its own way ad be confident that it will not go astray …
8 There are no breaks in it in the sense of special divine interventions ; and while every event is in its own way particular , individual and unique , none is qualitatively of a wholly different kind from all others .
9 ‘ As I looked at the magnificent vehicle I could not help thinking of the historical ‘ Experiment ’ of the Stockton and Darlington Railway , or of the Exhibition excursions of 1851 , when the GW nailed rough boards across their permanent way trucks at Didcot to accommodate their third class passengers !
10 The British in their quiet way think of themselves as the salt of the earth , and quite rightly too , but where matters of culture are concerned they do have this tendency to think that the best things happen abroad and at best can be borrowed from abroad .
11 Is there any way Malamute could get someone inside Acropolis Park without your knowing ?
12 Is there any way tax relief may be claimed on the cost of this lease ?
13 P.B. Yes , the trouble is in doing it that way Bob , you invariably do some damage to yourself .
14 So let's keep it that way folks .
15 On the other hand though I was really drunk so maybe I only remember it that way John turned round to me at the end and said , I ca n't understand you All the people I know , when they get pissed , they start fights , whereas you just seem really happy
16 Move it that way Jonathan , six .
17 Now , can I put it another way Adrian ?
18 that particular word one way I use it one way mum uses it one way and er
19 In his cool way Drew found this gratifying .
20 British playwright John Arden ( he of Sergeant Musgrave 's Dance ) accepted the Obie on Henry Livings 's behalf , though , commented Livings , ‘ In his mild way John hinted I might well not have enjoyed the way it was done in New York , but I never argue with box-office returns . ’
21 It was after this that Brother George ( Every ) and in his own way Father Gabriel ( Herbert ) , whose book Faber 's had published , told me that , on arrival at Kelham ( as everybody called the monastic headquarters ) , Eliot had been extremely , if not painfully , shy : so much so that the Fathers had not known how to deal with him .
22 In his own way Gerald was more skilful at whitewashing the family than his Aunt Sara .
23 There were boundaries as to how far he would go , but in his own way Branson was as much committed to creating a spectacle as McLaren and Reid , if for very different reasons .
24 Thus in his own way Ashton has reflected the composer 's own imaginative flight of fancy , firstly by following the academic structure of the score and secondly by using his choreographic imagination to bring to life Shakespeare 's mortals and immortals for ‘ of such stuff dreams are made ’ .
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