Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [verb] such " in BNC.

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1 Garden staff are often approached by visitors with requests for information , and we would wish to encourage them to continue to provide such a service , provided that this assistance does not interfere with their normal work .
2 I am sure you would be amused if you could see me struggling to do such a basic ‘ computer thing ’ as merely use it as a word processor !
3 They relate to a brief two-year crisis period in her forty-four year life ; and although they are by no means irrelevant to her political role , the approach to them has had such a predominantly personal — one might almost say tabloid — quality that the historiographical Mary is immediately marked out from all other historical monarchs , Scottish or otherwise .
4 No-one has enjoyed such popularity over such a wide range of colleagues from the very junior to the very senior .
5 There are few places on the globe unmapped , but there are millions of people in the world who have never seen the sea , or mountains , or a desert , or a snow-covered landscape , and many of them want to experience such places because the unknown is one of the great pleasures of travel .
6 If that is the case , and bearing in mind I intend to ignore such advice , then surely all moments are of equal suitability . ’
7 I pretended to despise such modern aids , but that was really a defensive reaction because I knew I could never afford such frills for Masquerade .
8 I hesitate to write such a critical letter , but frankly I am at a loss to see how your new design can in any way be seen as an improvement .
9 I want to encourage such customers to complain and I want us to resolve those complaints quickly .
10 But I say , the , I 'd heard such a lot of the Guild and the Guild 's influence was in Walsall Wood I think primarily , as I 'm always telling the women today , because they were so interested in the village and you got , they were local councillors , magistrates people you went to for advice .
11 And there was a question in her voice ; it was asking me why I 'd asked such a thing .
12 I decided I would carry the six-pound loss myself rather than admit to him I 'd made such a fool of myself
13 And , you know , we all lost a good friend ; I 'd had such a great time over those last two days working with him and with Eric , and I think about that time quite a bit .
14 The two girls were quiet for a long time after the door closed ; then suddenly , unaccountably , they started to push one another , boisterously mimicking Moran : ‘ God , O God , what did I do to deserve such a crowd ?
15 If I happen to remember such details when there 's a beautiful doll on the paying end , Hinkle is right in there rooting for the firm .
16 Striped shirt tapped a gold pencil thoughtfully against his teeth and said that of course one had every respect for someone wishing to take such a stand and that in that case we must see what could be done with the portfolio as it was .
17 Such is the case , for instance , in ( 69 ) below , where the phrase the notion that suggests surprise at someone having done such a thing as was done , thereby implying that the speaker would not have thought such audacity possible if the occurrence of the event referred to had not come to his knowledge : ( 69 ) … one of those heroes , the air ace Billy Bishop , was recently the focus of a bitter wrangle between the National Film Board and the Senate .
18 There is a question here which I believe makes such a move as Schüssler Fiorenza wishes to make highly problematical .
19 I believe to have such a major international festival of song on our doorsteps would do wonders for our city and in particular for our tourist industry . ’
20 Take Ian Woosnam , who , if I turn my notebook back a week , I find saying such things as : ‘ I am not in the groove at all .
21 I never asked her for total commitment ( after all , if I were into monogamy would I have done such a good job of dangling that little Limnititzker tsatskeleh in front of her nose ? ) , but I would have hoped the woman would stand by me in a crisis .
22 How could I have done such a thing ?
23 How could I have done such a thing ?
24 But I found him very stimulating to be with , full of ideas , I needed to meet such people .
25 I know nothing of such matters ; I thought arranging such a consignment would take less time .
26 Darlington councillor Peter Jones , Tory spokesman on the transport committee , said : ‘ Obviously it 's a waste of space and I do hope such an excellent facility can be brought into service as soon as possible .
27 And I do have such doubts but , being a modest person as you know
28 But there was still a problem about the label Education , and also that I did have such a very large chunk of air-time , 15 per cent of the Channel .
29 However , I had seen such sights before , in my days at primary school , and despite the use of Patriots , Jubilees and even Royal Scots on the more prestigious sets of wagons , it was the early afternoon express traffic which was the focal point of my attention .
30 I also need a formal letter in original from as owner of the vehicle that I am the permitted registered keeper and user — in the same way as I had to have such a letter from .
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