Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 It , it worked out , my mum at first thought it were n't too bad cos she got in with one of these special offer things .
2 I did n't recognise my sister at first when she opened the door , she 'd cut her hair , but the eyes were the same , there were small creases at the sides , the skin puffy , roughened by crying .
3 When she did arrive , my parents at first thought it was 'flu .
4 This time my reaction to the knowledge that in all probability cancer was back with me and that I had a dreaded secondary was quite different from my reaction on first being told of the disease six months earlier .
5 I will probably be anxious to get my defection in first .
6 My father at first , I think in his very early days , er was a sort of a farm hand .
7 The social worker regularly assigned to the case seemed to call when most of the children were at school , so he was unable to judge their progress at first hand .
8 BRISTOL ROVERS began their fight for First Division survival yesterday by signing QPR 's Andy Tillson and Gary Waddock for nearly £500,000 .
9 Westbury Homes , based in Cheltenham , sells more than two thirds of its houses to first time buyers .
10 The sound was like her tiredness at first , a long thrumming in the ear .
11 Even those of us in the office who had their doubts at first were soon won over by the instrument 's simplicity and friendliness .
12 She did not go up to London to see her lover without first drawing fifteen pounds out of her bank account , and thinking up a convincing story to tell her parents , and packing a good book to read on the train ( it was U.S.A. by John dos Passos , and she had read four and a half pages of it before she had been interrupted by her neighbour 's knee ) , and looking up her lover 's address in the A to Z.
13 Her face closed in and she eyed him with a return of the defiance and challenge he had seen in her eyes at first .
14 And if the leg holes are for legs , why not put her legs in first , leaving the waist hole until later ?
15 It has pinned its future to first the Zilog Inc Z8000 , then the Motorola Inc 68000 , then the Mips Technologies Inc R-series , before now deciding that Digital Equipment Corp 's Alpha RISC is the road to salvation .
16 In foreign affairs , Mrs Thatcher 's experience was slight , and her responses at first simple and superficial .
17 By seeing their work at first hand , they 're hoping he 'll be convinced of the need for more officers .
18 As it has been seen in Buxtehude that drivers take about six months to change their driving style and attitude , further falls in emissions are possible as they increasingly adopt defensive driving in third gear as an appropriate style rather than the aggressive driving in second gear that characterises their responses on first encountering Tempo 30 zones .
19 Leith shared many a cup of coffee with Rosemary after that , and although Rosemary seemed reluctant to talk of her marriage at first , it gradually emerged that Derek Talbot was a womaniser who 'd treated his wife shamefully .
20 Thanks to its work with First Direct , Fuji Film and Pepe Jeans , HHCL is used to testing its medium to see how it can be deepened and directed towards ‘ advertising that respects the integrity and dignity of those to whom it communicates .
21 Some dogs become very excited when they are first taken on the beach , so it may be advisable to keep your dog on its leash at first .
22 Under the Net and Lord of the Flies are too philosophical to be called angry , Golding ( in any case ) was always seen to be a spirit apart , and a few of these authors were strikingly young at their moment of first success .
23 McCaw last week agreed to pay $1.9bn for Metromedia 's half of the licence , but that deal in turn hinged on whether LIN took up its right of first refusal on Metromedia 's stake .
24 The engines whined softly as beautiful Oriental stewardesses showed them to their seats in First Class and offered them complimentary champagne , which they both refused .
25 Each Land Registry deals with a certain number of counties , and readers are referred to the current edition of Longman 's Directory of Local Authorities in order to ensure that their applications for First Registration or for a dealing arrive at the right place .
26 - Housing allocation policies have no place for men once a family has broken up , so hostels for the homeless become their place of first and last resort .
27 Let herself go a bit — ye get that with women whose men are giving them a hard time , and who hav'na found a way of getting their retaliation in first . ’
28 This simple account of cattle-raiding followed by an expedition to punish the thieves explains the situation on frontiers all over the world , and of course these punitive expeditions ( which sometimes took the form of pre-emptive strikes by people who wanted to get their retaliation in first ) were carried out without consulting any central government .
29 It was surely repugnant to commonsense that in this area of legal activity a local authority should be prosecuted by one of its tenants without first being given the opportunity by that tenant to remedy the consequences of a neglect to repair the dwelling that the tenant occupied .
30 POLICE divers last night called off their search of a six-mile stretch of the River Nidd near Harrogate , North Yorks , for a four-month-old girl whose mother claimed to have thrown her into the water , and will resume their efforts at first light .
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