Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [verb] first " in BNC.

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1 I was wondering where the hell I can get my hair done first thing tomorrow morning . ’
2 Besides , I want my exams done first .
3 What do you think my question means first of all , Richard ?
4 My father had first er he had , him being an engineer , and had been working in Glasgow after his er having served his apprenticeship at Amos the , it was the thing to go to Glasgow in these days which was the centre of all engineering activity , and er to gain experience he went to Glasgow .
5 ‘ I 'd like to , but my flight leaves first thing in the morning , ’ Ashley said regretfully .
6 One 18-year-old insurance clerk from Birchfield explained how he reached a sort of cross-road after his training began to detract from his studies : ‘ I came to the conclusion that my career came first and , at 18 , I had to look at my prospects .
7 My turn to go first . ’
8 This time I made sure my master went first and , whilst he ran down the stairs , I scampered like a rabbit to the top of the tower , forcing back the trap door , standing in the same place that poor Falconer had .
9 But my mother came first is n't it and it was easier for me .
10 Does the Minister not recognise the dangers of fragmenting the health service and destroying the planning framework ; the cost of ever-increasing bureaucracy ; the reduction in choice for the doctor ; the fear that this is a road that leads to a two-tier system in which money comes first and the Health Service is relegated to a safety-net , fallback provision ?
11 ‘ While you work with me the interests of IAP and its clients come first .
12 Both ‘ The Daleks ’ and ‘ The Sensorites ’ featured very elaborate backdrops , all of which Cusick had first to draft out as large , highly detailed colour illustrations long before the day when the Scenic Artist would come in to paint them up .
13 She stood up , ready to inform Nicole that her pressing appointments would leave her very little time here , when her eyes widened first in surprise , then in horror .
14 In a ‘ chicken and egg ’ situation , controversy flares among breed enthusiasts as to which type evolved first , and each side will take the credit for being the forebear of the other .
15 Her eye lighted first on the Bishop 's purple vest , then on his pectoral cross of slim , dull , old silver .
16 In Joan Halton 's attempt to be more whole , she needed to know more about her desire to come first , at least for part of the time , rather than always maintaining the veneer of premature maturity she had felt forced into adopting as a child .
17 He helps his twin brother to carry off a young peasant girl from among his tenantry , her husband having first been killed by being deliberately overworked in unhealthy conditions .
18 As the incomes of an increasingly productive workforce rise and people 's basic material needs are progressively met , their needs expand first for consumer durables and then for luxury items — immaterial services , such as education , heaIth , leisure and the arts .
19 For instance , if you say , ‘ Donna , if you do not think first , but lash out at your sister , I will not allow you to go to the fairground with me ’ , her resolve to think first and desist from hitting out will be strengthened .
20 Sensation and all its luxuries returned first to my left side ( suddenly ) and then to my right ( with gorgeous stealth ) .
21 This leads us to propose the ‘ causal direction hypothesis ’ : children learn about the role of causal connectives as indicators of which event is cause and which effect before they learn about their role as indicators of which event happened first .
22 Another dhāmi has joined him and they link arms for a while and then move closer together , stretching their arms across each other 's shoulders so they dance as one , their bodies tilting first forwards and then back as they bounce across the roof .
23 In the three years since her father had first called so unexpectedly at the Red House , she had made an effort to see her mother most Sundays .
24 Her father spoke first .
25 The time ordering can sometimes help out ; since causes occur before effects , knowing which variable occurred first can help .
26 Information flow of a different kind was explored by Walter Gilbert ( Harvard ) , asking whether genes or their introns came first .
27 By the 1870s general questions of marine biology had become prominent , partly in an evolutionary context in which life had first begun in the sea .
28 It was double joy for Ian Bryson 's Glassdrummond when their quartets came first and third respectively in Grade 4A , with Cottown ‘ A ’ holding onto their previous year 's runner-up spot .
29 She wanted to do that with him , yes , actually that ; she thought about it on and on and waited all week for the moment that might or might not come on Sunday morning in church when , as her cousins went first down the aisle , Tristram glanced in her direction and their eyes met and she was able to send a thought message which said to him , yes , I have n't forgotten .
30 It must be very hard for those fresh-faced New Georgians to realise that in their wake comes first the ruched blind , then the office use , followed by a bevy of Sock Shops , Tie Racks and Knickerboxes .
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