Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] only [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I mean only to provide the following answer to the argument from coordination as an argument for conventionalism .
2 I mean only to endorse a complex , two-stage way of reasoning about the responsibilities of officials and citizens that finds a natural expression in the personification of community and can not be reproduced by a reductive translation into claims about officials and citizens one by one .
3 I cared only to escape from a life that was irksome and narrow , ’ said Taliesin , drinking his wine and reclining in the chair rather negligently .
4 I have always liked to read the Golden Age detective stories , if you like , the country house murder mysteries , but I would have to admit that reading those is to some extent desire for stasis , a desire erm for a particularly safe kind of world , where everything works out in the end , because that 's usually what happens , and so these days I tend only to take very small doses of that particular medicine .
5 I tell them I want only to talk , but , they — being dedicated professionals — think I am joking .
6 But this is to anticipate the argument ; for the moment I want only to observe that a conception of the self as socially and/or metaphysically constituted produces one idea of transgression , and that of the self as ideally ( if not actually ) unified and autonomous , quite another .
7 For now I want only to suggest possibilities for further investigation and analysis of representation in British feature films .
8 I want only to suggest that however closely those match , however complete they are , therefore , in the pairs they form , they all also work as imagines of the writer 's relation to language , now confident , now uncertain , now lonely , now roistering and so on .
9 I speak only to say
10 I meant only to suggest that the advantages are mutual . ’
11 But I meant only to gain your consent — if I could .
12 It asks for open vindication , he wrote , but I ask only to do my task .
13 An impromptu purchase , and a bit extravagant , but remaining tidily or prettily dressed is an important investment in job search , marriage and social life , so I try only to slum it in track suit at weekends and totally quiet evenings at home .
14 since he came to our Lordships House with some very and has had to sit this thing ever since then with one exception er to speeches deeply and seriously critical er of the proposals er coming from Members of your Lordships House mostly with vast experience of the subject matter former Secretary 's er er former Chief Constable er and er so many others and I arise only to put one point to you if my Noble Friend decides to resist these amendments , it seems to me I may be wrong but it seems to me overwhelmingly clear that they will be carrying against him and they will be put into the Bill which will be very considerably altered and amended , some of your Lordships may think improved , but certainly drastically altered and I wonder whether er my Noble Friend thinks that really would be helpful from the point of view either of the pr future progress of the Bill , or the position of the Government .
15 I thanked him , he saluted , and the two of them walked on My guard said that I was crazy ; I could have run into terrible trouble , but I had been lucky and now I had only to choose a beautiful new bicycle .
16 Nearly every farmer had a barrel of the stuff in his cow house in those days and I had only to go into the corner and turn the tap .
17 By the time I had finished my Kachin fieldwork I had only to attend an animal sacrifice as a passive observer and then notice how the meat of the sacrifice was shared out among " the congregation and I could know , even down to quite line detail , the precise hierarchy and mutual relationship of everyone present , which might be thirty or more individuals altogether .
18 If there was anything she could do , I had only to ask .
19 I had only to make it to Dover and then I could sleep on the ferry to France .
20 ‘ You once said if there was anything you could do to help me I had only to come to you and ask .
21 If I interpreted it correctly — ‘ Nothing is definite , you must interpret the words ’ , Liese said — I had only to keep lying on my bed of North Shore nails for it to turn ultimately into a pillow of foam .
22 I had only to look at her , and I knew she was glad .
23 I had only to look at the farmer 's face to know that the cow was worse .
24 I wished only to warn you . ’
25 " There 's just one other matter which I mention only to set your minds at rest …
26 But here I prefer only to draw attention to those basic principles which underlie all matters of form , whether in short phrases , large movements , or even gigantic symphonies , leaving aside the study of conventional forms ( sonata form , binary form , etc. ) which the student can find better illustrated elsewhere .
27 He used to say : ‘ I think music is in the air all around me : I 've only to take as much as I want ’ .
28 I 've only to close my eyes and relax a bit to imagine myself back in Africa — except that the indefinable Eastern smell is missing . ’
29 I 've only to let relatives in this afternoon .
30 I desire only to know that all is well ; that it is but my own foolishness , aided by my being here at so unholy an hour , which causes me such anguish …
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