Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] the [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 The more celebrated I became the worse I painted and the more false I felt .
2 May I make the further suggestion that when it is all over on 9 April we get the right hon. Gentleman a new job — a walk-on part in a re-run of ’ Crossroads ’ or as a substitute for Ken Barlow .
3 I mean the higher the better .
4 I mean the closer it is to the theatre the better
5 Although you will be present throughout the ceremony , I fear the later stages will find you something of a poor audience . ’
6 I want the shorter one in that one is it ?
7 I used the smoother side of the paper as I find a definite , rough texture rather intrusive .
8 I am glad the Government have set their face against that , and I welcome the further commitment to NATO in the Gracious Speech .
9 I set the lower limit to 50bpm and willed my resting pulse to go down till the bleeper sounded , by which time I was breathing deeply and totally relaxed .
10 But as soon as I say ‘ I enjoy/like/desire ’ , even ‘ I want ’ spoken with a certain stress , something new enters ; I convey the further information that with awakening awareness I am stirred to approach , and as I approach awareness quickens .
11 I like the earlier stories better than the recent ones .
12 He said : ‘ The more publicity I get the better .
13 When I visit a city , I visit the older part of town first , as I have the greatest chance of finding good material there .
14 When I visit a city , I visit the older part of town first , as I have the greatest chance of finding good material there .
15 I spent the greater part of my first twenty-one years , sleeping in the first floor back , a room somewhat smaller than my mother and father 's .
16 Like many other pre-pubescent boys of the time , I spent the larger part of the Seventies with my shorts round my ankles , making magician 's hands ( raised above the shoulders , fingers splayed ) and shouting the incantation at a hairless and not especially elephantine willy .
17 He says I have n't got you working long longer I worked the bigger the pension I have when I go out .
18 Well I still think that well say you have a big massive thing and , and say it 'd take a hundred people mm er I suppose the bigger it is the more economical it is .
19 I suppose the older people can travel in the cab .
20 Cutting down on food , I was University missing whole meals , telling people I was training , I 'm a P E teacher so sport and the perfect body was very much up front , so the more weight I lost the better I was told I looked until it became totally out of control and I was eating an apple and black coffee a day and then vomiting so that I had nothing in me .
21 And what I , from what I gather the bigger the household that people were in the more they enjoyed it cos the jobs were shared out more .
22 Jamie must have taken a cigarette even though I knew he did n't smoke , because I saw the lighter go up , igniting in front of my eves in a shower of sparks like a fireworks display .
23 So I thought the shorter journey would be better .
24 I thought the longer it went on , the better it was looking for me . ’
25 Looking back , I can not imagine that I understood the finer points of the contract M. Chaillot placed before me .
26 In fact , of course , I did criticise them , although out of fear of my father I took the easier route and voiced that criticism upon my mother .
27 But I notice the more I do the stronger the images become .
28 But when I toured the poorer areas of Panama City , the church congregations there were silent , sad and confused .
29 I leave the softer grades until the whole drawing is practically finished , to prevent unintentional smudging .
30 I leave the softer grades until the whole drawing is practically finished , to prevent unintentional smudging .
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