Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Cutbacks in the budget have done nothing to curb chronic overstaffing : any official above teaboy needs a full supporting cast .
2 The lower prices have had a dampening effect on innovative schemes to make better use of the natural resources consumed , and will do nothing to stimulate necessary investment by the generators on modernising their capacity .
3 Lobbying by pharmaceutical companies has already watered down a proposed directive which at first suggested forcing them to include detailed information on dosage and usage on advertisements .
4 It is always dangerously easy to write superficially about human relationships , particularly this one of the mother and daughter living together in old age , picturing them enjoying endless winter evenings by the fire , with never a cross word , and long summer afternoons in a garden of roses , sitting in deckchairs on a lawn that never needs mowing .
5 There is a revolution taking place today in the way that executives are obtaining information to help them make critical business decisions .
6 In short , both of them combine motley membership with rigid structure — which does not make for relaxed , efficient teamwork .
7 In these respects Frith/Moll is represented in the tradition of the warrior woman and the folk figure of Long Meg of Westminster , both of whom distinguish true morality from false , the proper man from the braggart , and finally submit to the former ( Shepherd , Amazons , esp .
8 His restlessness permeated the entire house , and she felt guilty , certain that her presence was tying him to Gullholm , that if it were n't for her he would go home , or visit one or other of his sisters or his mother , all of whom made regular telephone calls .
9 These accounts are also used to settle banks ' foreign exchange transactions and to enable them to conduct normal correspondent banking relationships ( see Chapter 3 , Foreign Exchange Market : Correspondent Banks ) .
10 The teachers ' accounts of what happened to them make disturbing reading .
11 Hoffmann J. declared that in each case the beneficial interest in the property was owned by the bankrupt and his wife in equal shares and he made orders for possession and sale but , after considering the circumstances of the two wives and their children and , in particular , that the half shares to which they would be entitled would be insufficient for them to acquire other accommodation in the area and the educational problems of the children , imposed a provision for postponement until the youngest child in each case attained the age of sixteen .
12 However , the standing of their occupations — the fact that a programmer or analyst is regarded as a " professional " in a way in which a typist or word processor operator is not , also makes it easier for them to acquire self-employed status .
13 He urged everyone to report suspicious behaviour .
14 Many scientists are active in such groups in Northern Ireland and a significant proportion of them bring special expertise to their organisations .
15 12.20 : Another Social Worker asks me to arrange half-day visit to the School .
16 It was this that prompted me to scrutinize Greek tragedy and thereby gain the new view of the Hellenic spirit that I have been putting forward .
17 While he may not be collecting as actively as he was a few years ago , his name still inspires sufficient awe in most art world people for them to request complete anonymity when discussing him .
18 As most of their expansion had been in transport sectors , it was a natural step for them to try switching production from trucks to tanks .
19 By drawing General Managers ' attention to the British Gas environment publications ; ensuring they have an adequate supply along with display holders [ similar to that outside the Public relations office ] and letting them know how and from whom to obtain additional information .
20 It is difficult for them to obtain overseas development funds , and it is even hard to mail a letter to another country because Eritrean stamps are not yet internationally recognised .
21 It is difficult for them to obtain overseas development funds , and it is even hard to mail a letter to another country because Eritrean stamps are not yet internationally recognised .
22 Such a rate of increase has not lasted , however ; 357 appeared in the 1987 issue of this guide , most of them representing new growth , but at a steadier rate .
23 Patients in and around Exeter can use the cards to present to doctors , dentists and hospitals so that everyone has easy access to their medical history .
24 Is not that why everyone has good reason to know that Tory Governments mean higher VAT ?
25 They are considered beneath contempt in the system , but at Grendon everyone has equal status .
26 In the first place , everyone travels by car and therefore everyone has first-hand knowledge of how awful the roads are .
27 The chairman will also have to organize the panel during the interview , making sure that everyone has sufficient time to ask their questions but without allowing the process to get out of hand and overrun .
28 ‘ I believe everyone has innate creativity ’ she confided in me , ‘ but with some it just takes a little bit of coaxing before it will surface ’ .
29 Everyone needs Oral Satisfaction , but the Truly Fulfilled do n't need a filled-full gut .
30 That has made their tours very long and everyone needs enormous stamina and commitment .
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