Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] those " in BNC.

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1 I noted particularly those purporting to be spoken by Augustine of Hippo , the ninth-century Saxon monk , Gotteschalk , and ‘ Neighbour Pliable ’ from Pilgrim 's Progress .
2 I if I remember correctly those are words that led to the death of a very distinguished explorer .
3 yeah , absolutely , erm I think partly those things are to in when people pump out loads and loads of references , partly it 's to indicate which studies the ideas , information , evidence have come from
4 I think only those who are unemployed are likely to be attracted by that , and I 'm not sure how many we 've got .
5 I offer only those which belong to his shrine by reason of direct dedication or association with the saint .
6 I condemn absolutely those salacious motion pictures , which , with other degrading agencies , are corrupting public morals and promoting sex mania in our land .
7 But a view of Co-operation which admitted only those who are thus motivated would make it an exceptional and exclusive creed to which could subscribe only those for whom Co-operation was itself the end and not the means to a better life , to one which enhanced what Dahrendorf calls a man 's life chances .
8 There are particular challenges in running a prison which has only those serving life sentences in it , yet it was not until earlier this year that any escape from that prison took place .
9 Besides a ‘ real ’ definition which exhibits the ‘ form ’ or ‘ essence ’ of what a thing really is , a form which explains the possession by a thing of its characteristic properties , they allowed for a ‘ nominal ’ definition which captures only those properties themselves .
10 The money could be allocated openly rather than through ‘ hidden tax in the form of food prices which hit hardest those least able to pay ’ .
11 What will be of greater value is a partial characterization which mentions only those features ( 9 , 5 , 8 , 7 , in order of appearance in the partial characterization ) which will be of most importance in what follows immediately .
12 Its approaches are guarded by rings of illusion and mazes of spells which means only those selected by the Loremasters of Hoeth ever find the true path to the tower .
13 The GHS is a survey which considers only those resident in the community , ; residents of institutions are excluded .
14 This can be the outcome of ( a ) a process which selects only those facts which prove a given case , and omits others — an intentional distortion of evidence ; or ( b ) an unwitting omission , a failure to carry out the exhaustive search for evidence which should characterise historical study .
15 ‘ Rodeo is to the United States what bullfight is to Europe : a ludicrous and cruel exploitation of animals which honours neither those who watch nor those who take part in such buffoonery , ’ she wrote to the mayor , Domninique Baudis. — Reuter
16 One might be able to construct a law which penalized only those batteries which cause , or are likely to cause , significant annoyance , but it is doubtful whether the insertion of a ( necessarily vague ) standard would alter the nature of the problem .
17 With regard to proclamation and persuasion one of the major difficulties in urban society is , how do you bring together those who want to tell with those who want to find out ?
18 It is therefore recommended that you select only those fields which you are most interested in e.g.
19 you know there those hard
20 Her friend 's small figure rose before her , and she saw again those vivid blue eyes , the broad forehead , and the gallant tilt of the pointed chin .
21 For this reason we consider only those antecedents and consequences which :
22 Biographical details are not relevant to what the Cloud-author and Walter Hilton have to say , and about Julian we know only those circumstances which immediately impinge on her visionary experience .
23 We value highly those companies with a quality culture and their own TQM programme , ’ says Maurice Melloul .
24 In Chapters 5 and 6 we counted only those paths which spanned the entire utterance , anchoring the beginning of the search at the left-hand end and ignoring all paths that failed to match through to the right-hand end .
25 We sang together those heart-rending popular songs about the season : ‘ The Autumn Leaves ’ and Trenet 's French version from which it was taken .
26 Even if we tabulate only those time-words and their associated tempos for the movements where there is unequivocal evidence for such tempos , in H400D and the two Strasbourg motets that is without relying on those movements calculated by reference to tempo relationships we see a remarkable degree of unanimity .
27 In fact , even if one considers just those with jobs , only four business areas employed 10 per cent or more of students with work , and only seven had 5 per cent or above .
28 Why Sir , they blind still those they take , And make them tell the stories of their lives , Which known , they do accordingly .
29 Hunting statistics can be misleading since they record only those animals actually taken by hunters .
30 They do all those biographies of politicians and royalty .
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