Example sentences of "[pron] such [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Owls ' eyesight is good in dim light but not so good in total darkness ; it is their acute hearing and the accuracy with which they can pinpoint sounds that make them such successful hunters .
2 She put her arms out from her sides and back , arching her spine and pondering vaguely as she did so why it had been thought necessary or relevant to give them such old bodies , perhaps to keep the idea of the passing of time , simple mortality , to the forefront of their minds .
3 Banish the thought — the tearful Muse has known The man in whom such lofty virtue shone , Whose heart was purely of celestial frame And need she mention Jackson 's honoured name . "
4 As the New Right has denounced and undermined a communitarian form of society , so ‘ The numbers of people for whom such communitarian visions are good and mean something at the level of their everyday experiences are declining , attenuating their moral force . ’
5 Of these , 11 patients initially came to the hospital complaining of abdominal distension , cramping , anorexia , vomiting , constipation or diarrhoea , and we found six in whom such clinical signs developed during the follow up of illness .
6 A dyspeptic , phlebitic , tuberculous — yet still bellicose — gourmet , to whom such rarefied nourishment was as a staff of life …
7 Iago describes those who serve ‘ duteously ’ with a series of contemptuous images , ending ‘ Whip me such honest knaves ’ ( 44–9 ) .
8 Mrs Chamberlin has more than a dozen and she gave me such beautiful eggs to bring home .
9 As we approached the loch , in order to impress Blair with my vast knowledge , I repeated Stan 's tale about Pennel Point , being careful not to mention who had given me such valuable information .
10 ‘ I do n't need gratitude for something which gave me such infinite pleasure .
11 Despite the inevitable uncertainties and anxieties which such major change might represent , she stressed the need for investment in education and training , and for more effective manpower planning and deployment if health care in the UK was to be put on a stronger and more confident foundation :
12 No other band can take an already macabre melody , violate it beyond humanity and then somehow spit out a bona fide song which such contemptuous animosity .
13 Biologists envisaged various ways in which such altered escapees , with which the human gut and immune system would not be familiar , could cause trouble .
14 each Party hereby undertakes to each of the others fully and promptly to communicate to each of the other Parties all such technical information relating to background and results as such other may reasonably require to carry out its respective part of the Project or to which such other Part is entitled pursuant to Clause hereof
15 The following are chargeable events : ( i ) the removal or a variation of a restriction to which the shares are subject ; ( ii ) the creation or variation of a right relating to the shares ; ( iii ) the imposition of a restriction on other shares in Newco or the variation of a restriction to which such other shares are subject ; or ( iv ) the removal or a variation of a right relating to other shares in Newco .
16 It perceives the full complexity of the protection task , encroaching as it does on private family territory with an uncertain knowledge base and poor predictive instruments ; and it deplores the hostile climate in which such delicate work must be carried through .
17 I still recall ‘ 'umping me ‘ ammock ‘ n kitbag ’ as late as 1961 , all the way from Pompey to Rosyth , where I joined a minesweeper on which such sleeping gear was passe .
18 The purpose for which such financial powers are used are not codified in law .
19 The way in which such imputed values are found varies from case to case and is seldom straightforward .
20 the extent to which such collaborative conversations at the computer actually take place ,
21 Stylistic analysis was one of the few tasks for which such statistical information was deemed appropriate [ Ellegard , 1962 ] .
22 Nor was it mainly caused by the increasing importance of symphony and sonata , a field in which such fine musicians as Boccherini and Clementi could hardly rival their Germanic contemporaries .
23 The project will deliver a fully specified set of Guidelines which will enable researchers in any discipline to interchange texts and datasets in machine-readable form , independently of the software or hardware in use , and also independently of the particular application for which such electronic resources are used .
24 ‘ Every person who shall by himself or by or in conjunction with any other person , corruptly solicit or receive , for himself , or for any other person , any gift , loan , fee , reward , or advantage whatever as an inducement to , or reward for , or otherwise on account of any member … of a public body … doing or forbearing to do anything in respect of any matter or transaction whatsoever , actual or proposed , in which such public body is concerned shall be guilty of a misdemeanour . ’
25 But it is difficult to measure the effort in military and social co-ordination which such isolated outposts must have required : they were a liability just as much as a help .
26 These issues have been excellently explored by Norman ( 1985 ) the title of whose book , Triple Jeopardy , describes a situation in which such old people are ‘ at risk because they are old , because of the physical conditions and hostility under which they have to live and because of services not accessible to them ’ .
27 Of course , that leaves us with the problem raised in the first chapter — the extent to which such old people feel they are no longer able to engage in transactions which benefit others as well as themselves .
28 Building on Weber 's conception of ‘ status ’ and the way in which such social honour is differentially distributed between social groups , Gusfield notes that , at times of ( rapid ) social change , certain groups may experience an increase or loss of social honour .
29 In general , it is hoped that the study will provide some assessment of the contribution which such local authority economic development initiatives can make towards overcoming the unemployment problem in the context of the local labour market .
30 It was also commonly described by an interpretation of modern society as ‘ mass society ’ , in which such different elements as very large audiences , relative ‘ impersonality ’ of transmission or ‘ anonymity ’ of reception , and the ‘ unorganized heterogeneity ’ of ‘ democratic and commercial ’ societies were fused and indeed confused .
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