Example sentences of "[pron] look [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone looks a little mystified .
2 I hope I look a little like a Government building myself .
3 Or need I look no further than the old man 's unspoken mistrust of my intentions ?
4 On my last visit I noticed that an image of James Joyce had been engraved on a tiny glass window on the seat behind me , and other historical figures literally emerged from the woodwork when I looked a little closer around the bar .
5 It is true there are forms of the palmette which look a little like acanthus but I would not say that they are necessarily earlier and that the acanthus developed out of the palmette .
6 Changing the captain must be a strong possibility , not least because Carrick himself looked a little weary of wearing the crown of thorns .
7 She used every trick to ensure that at 50 she looks no more than 30 .
8 She looks a little like your Lucy , had you noticed ?
9 She looks a little to her right , and this is a case where the even classical features are somehow charged with meaning .
10 She looks a little to her left .
11 She looks a little hot and flustered at the moment , which I 'm afraid is my fault for rushing her down here at very little notice .
12 Or you can pick it out and say ‘ That 's a beautiful one , is n't it , there 'll be no problem there , ’ and you look no further .
13 you look a pretty fit guy erm
14 ‘ I want to be measured for some more boots , ’ Edward said , ‘ but you look a little shaken so I 'm sure it can wait until another day . ’
15 " You look a little pale , Ma'am , the butler said quickly .
16 You look a little different , sir . ’
17 ‘ My dear , ’ she said , ‘ you look a little wan this morning .
18 You look a little shaken .
19 No wonder you look a little distracted , ’ he murmured coolly .
20 You look a little pale suddenly .
21 You look a little pale . ’
22 ‘ Oh yes , it did , ’ said Lili , ‘ though , mind you , I think it highly unlikely that anyone would tell you on your wedding day that you looked the most frightful frump — not , ’ she added hastily , ‘ that you did .
23 She looked a little startled , but she did as she was told .
24 Indeed , for a moment , she looked a little upset .
25 ‘ I only took her to the doctor because she had a bad nose bleed at playgroup , and I thought she looked a little pale .
26 It was then he noticed that she looked a little worried , as well as excited .
27 Adele , the younger of the two sisters although some privately reckoned that she looked a little drawn-in and slightly older than Angelica , was wiping down the flour from the big kitchen table as they came through the door .
28 She looked a little peculiar , but she would make everyone else look pitifully ordinary .
29 She looked a little worn and bleary-eyed , though her long , lion-coloured hair shone like health itself in the brassy sunlight of mid-day .
30 She looked a little discomposed as she spoke , as though guilty about this laissez-faire attitude , but she went on , ‘ If her family are worried , they 'll do something . ’
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