Example sentences of "[pron] very often [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I very often miss nursing .
2 It 's gone , it 's gone I do n't very often agree with Professor erm I very often do n't agree with David either but I 've got to admit that I agree with both of them today , we 've got to make haste slowly on this one .
3 I very often think that that 's not the case .
4 MH : And I very often have several paintings on the go , particularly oils .
5 When giving instruction in thermal soaring , I try to insist that students go on attempting to find lift until about 5–600 feet , and I very often explain my own thoughts and precautions as they do the flying .
6 I very often wonder how they do as they do today .
7 You can talk about it to a close friend , though , which very often helps to ease the situation and subsequently make yourself better .
8 Erm this table is actually a folding table of a type which very often appears in Flemish and German pictures .
9 The cloth and thread to be used are then sent to the outworkers who very often work in the open air with their friends , talking , watching the world go by or listening to the radio .
10 Thanks to all the readers who replied , and thanks for the nice things that you very often said .
11 There have to be , there are particular reasons why er after revolutionary upheavals you very often get authoritarian forms of government and I would say in Russia and i i in a sense it 's linked with Harold 's question as well about erm the Chinese following a Stalinist model of economic reconstruction think what you 've actually got in Russia is not this sort of mass hankering after authoritarianism but you 've got a situation where the bureaucracy that controls a completely devastated , backward economy , which is what they 've actually got in the early nineteen twenties , where the working class democracy has just disappeared really with , with the , with the economic collapse , with the factories shutting down , with all of the old communist party militants going into the Red Army or getting sucked into the state bureaucracy with that sort of complete collapse really , economically and socially and politically , you 've got a situation where the central priority of the leadership is to build up Russian industry as quickly as possible so that Russia has got the armed forces it needs
12 And do you very often come up with erm new papers , new information , which , in your mind , at any rate , changes one 's view
13 erm a great deal is talked about democracy in schools and you very often have all kinds of organisations allegedly which take democratic decisions .
14 But erm the comradeship there , I mean you very often see chappies now I d know them from the Home Guard , but otherwise I should n't have known them .
15 It 's a funny thing , but when you see a client about something you very often see him soon again about something else .
16 She very often went barefoot in order to keep her feet in good condition , and she wore long , dangly earrings .
17 This is a this is a question we very often get asked , why do they sell a thirteen amp fuse with a thirteen amp plug if it only wants a five amp in ?
18 The paradox of diversion is that whenever we want to divert something it proves very hard to do so ; but when we do not want to create a diversion we very often end up by diverting more than we wanted .
19 ‘ Moles ’ was a phrase we very often used about the Treasury and it 's been used many times since .
20 We very often describe Him as ‘ God of peace ’ .
21 I have also noticed that nine months after a significant moment occurs in life , something very often happens .
22 And if they do , they very often go under just the same .
23 In 1773 when raw silk was difficult to obtain , the owner of a throwing mill in Sherborne wrote : … having discharged many of my hands which are either starving , or are become burdensome to the town , others are incessantly crying for a little work and could they obtain but a morsel of Barley-bread they are happy , they very often go days with little or no nourishment … the continued cries of the poor people complaining for want of the necessaries of life as well for want of employment is shocking indeed … and what is worse the overseers are not so bountiful to the necessitous as I could wish .
24 Battells have also pointed out that they very often receive separate orders from the same areas and it is suggested that to save on carriage etc .
25 Erm very common , you know s seventy three , twenty five , eighteen , erm they very often started at sort of seventy three or something like that .
26 They very often do n't know what the something else is going to be , but we tend to put time limits on what children should do and when they should do it .
27 Not only do these verbs inflect for person , they very often incorporate the person and/or object of the sentence .
28 well he has I mean er my my daughter-in-law said he takes he mu he very often drives he 's got a season ticket , an annual season ticket t er to take the train but more often than not he drives because he gets into the into London at about quarter to seven in the morning he goes and you know , parks the car and then goes and gets breakfast and she says he always takes at least one shirt in the car with him to change into .
29 And I remember very very well he had a big heavy coat and my mother put him in a very big pocket on the inside of the coat and we always called that his rabbit pocket , because he very often came home with a rabbit .
30 The intrusive Boswell then took another liberty — ; that of pointing out to Johnson ‘ that he very often sat quite silent for a long time , even when in company with only a single friend ’ , at which Johnson reminded Boswell of an acquaintance who had once observed , ‘ Sir , you are like a ghost : you never speak till you are spoken to . ’
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