Example sentences of "[pron] provide [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And you would like me to provide that management ? ’
2 Exotic nuclei have more protons or neutrons than do stable nuclei , and studies of them provide valuable information on the balance of nuclear forces when atoms deviate from the most favourable ratios of neutrons to protons .
3 Two months before his departure he wrote to twelve or fifteen poets , requesting their public support for Pound and asking them to provide private testimonials in the event that he should be tried and sentenced for his crime : there was , at this stage , a strong possibility that Pound would be condemned to death .
4 It is this extra software which will enhance the intelligence of the telephone networks and allow them to provide special services rather than simple telephony .
5 It thereupon wrote to all institutions offering advanced work asking them to provide detailed information about student numbers and other aspects of planning forward to 1984–5 .
6 Can EMI please explain how they justify this , and say how much extra it would cost them to provide proper documentation ?
7 It did nothing to provide better child care for women wishing to return to work .
8 Mrs Jones needs a closer and better relationship with the psychiatric services ; she needs to get them to listen to her needs and she also needs someone to provide practical help with money problems for her son , someone who can discuss work opportunities , recognize his need for friendship and help him think about his future .
9 At some point it is necessary for someone to provide clear guidelines regarding how others should interact with that child in order to promote learning and developmental changes most effectively .
10 In Revelations I provide additional details which many scientifically-minded readers will demand although its content is still accessible to the general reader .
11 I provide secretarial support for these two bodies as a CA volunteer , much of my job being committee work .
12 Its most immediate threat to human health is via the desalination plants , which provide Arab Gulf cities with much of their water .
13 For some commentators on the political right such as Marsland ( 1986 , p. 87 ) , the apparent weakening of family responsibility has been encouraged by the growth of state services which provide alternative sources of support .
14 The most dramatic shift in recent years has been from soft to underwire garments , which provide greater support and ‘ shape ’ .
15 Some of these are presented here through case studies which provide thorough examples of their use .
16 When we turn from personal evangelism to community-focused church-based evangelism there are far fewer books which provide practical help in this area .
17 Unlike norms , which provide specific directives for conduct , ‘ values ’ provide more general guidelines .
18 Others , such as the sex fiend dubbed the ‘ Shopping Bag Rapist ’ ( Sun ) , and the soft-spoken brute , known as the ‘ Lonely Heart Rapist ’ , believed to be a loner who regularly visited clubs for the divorced and separated in the Home Counties ( Sun ) , do not have nicknames which provide instant headlines .
19 It will mean the loss of 58 shops , 38 of which provide key services to local people .
20 It is worth reminding the House what the Bill , if enacted in its present form , would involve : the loss of 83 homes , the displacement of 326 residents , the demolition of four listed buildings , the destruction of well over 10 acres of property in two conservation areas , the destruction of a two-acre inner-city nature reserve of great value to the local community , the loss of 168 workplaces providing 1,620 jobs , the loss of 58 shops , 38 of which provide key services to local people , the diversion of a major traffic artery for a period of three years , a doubling of the number of rail passengers and a doubling of the number of cars and taxis coming to King 's Cross and St. Pancras during the morning peak hour .
21 This entry consists of optional free-format lines for cross-references to relevant manuals and documents ( not under LIFESPAN control ) which provide additional help and information to the user of the module ( e.g. system requirements diagrams , programming manuals ) .
22 Like many areas of sociology , the sociology of punishment lends itself to ( often radically ) differing approaches which provide rival explanations of penality .
23 The exemption of gifts and bequests between spouses is certainly to be welcomed , and the amended regulations which provide reasonable scope for gifts to charity are a belated honouring of the promise in the White Paper that charities would be at least as well off as under the old estate duty .
24 Pulling the threads together , educational opportunity for the building surveyor is available by full-time study at seven centres — five polytechnics and two universities — and at forty-one part-time centres , two of which provide part-time degree courses .
25 Memos which provide straightforward information can be written in an impersonal and formal style .
26 The Client Money Regulations , which provide that interest below certain specified amounts is not payable to the customer , thus modify the firm 's duty to account to the customer for that interest .
27 In flight , the directional or weathercock stability is maintained by the fin and rudder , which provide extra side area behind the c.g .
28 In the past five to ten years general interest in the deep structure of fold belts has led to the publication of the results of a number of seismic reflection surveys from around the world which provide useful analogues .
29 A World of Work centre is being built , with strong links to local businesses , which provide vocational training .
30 It is not a place where one spends all day , every day , cut off from other people , and self-contained large units which provide all residents ' daytime activities on site face the danger of becoming merely ‘ wards ’ in the community , new types of ‘ closed ’ institution .
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