Example sentences of "[pron] might [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Still , however , I cherished the fantasy that I might one day have a son who would fulfil that dream , and always he had Leslie 's eyes , dark , with soft expressive light .
2 I made no notes of these visits to Out Patients , for at the time I had no idea that I might one day feel my experience with cancer sufficiently interesting to write about .
3 It never crossed my mind that I might one day have to fight .
4 They say I had the vanity to suppose that he and I might one day share the authorship of some literary work .
5 ‘ Yes , and I might one day be Queen of England !
6 The experience of watching my late husband 's 16-year fight against the degenerative effects of Parkinson 's disease ( one of those conditions which might one day benefit from embryo research ) causes me to write this letter in the hope that all who take part in the debates will recognise and confound these tactics of the anti-abortion pressure groups , quite rightly described by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service as ‘ an attempt to hijack government legislation ’ .
7 Quite obviously , there is a good deal of , as yet , classified technology which might one day be available for all sorts of hazard mitigation purposes .
8 If gaunt-face had been looking up at the Clubroom windows in the hope of seeing Filmer — or of Filmer seeing him — maybe Filmer would come down to talk to him and maybe I could photograph them both together , which might one day prove useful .
9 Either way it is of little use to the bereft locked full of raw grief , which might one day mature into something more bearable , and might not .
10 As the one who might one day step into his father 's shoes he was also the one who stood most in his father 's shadow .
11 Wallers , masons , builders and slaters ; those engaged building and maintaining water races ; surface carters , and labourers who might one day find themselves cutting grass for the mine horses and shovelling tailings or road repairing the next — all fitted into the day-worker class .
12 Neither programme really effected any change in the course of events , but they did build a sense of trust in those who might one day use us to bear public witness against the Godfathers of terrorism .
13 The second reason was that , even were she to have a successful pregnancy and birth , she was terrified that she might one day be carrying her child in her arms when she fainted and might then drop or hurt the child in some way .
14 She thought that although she might one day be able to accept this stupid time hiccup , she would never ever come to terms with these brief glimpses into another world ; as though a door had opened and closed and that , for a moment , she had stood with one foot on either side of the threshold .
15 oh , she might peculiar hairdresser
16 At the time , you sent us a delightful card , which I still have , offering good wishes and expressing the hope we might one day meet .
17 We might this month 's edition .
18 Unassimilated , they might one day wreak havoc in her life .
19 Er , but I 've put down here that erm but possibly some retail outlets although the Saturday is the busiest day of their week they might important merchandise to arrive particularly at , you know , Jaeger shops , expensive shops where like the price of the item warrants paying a Saturday surcharge .
20 ‘ But they might this year ! ’ interrupted the secretary .
21 My family , who were threatening to visit us en masse the first weekend of May , ca n't come after all ( plans fell through ) , so wo n't need B & B. But they might some day .
22 But , on the contrary , it had been the beginning of the lifelong fight for Swift , because Jamie knew it might one day fall into his lap .
23 Erm so one suspects that if something of truly national importance really came , that it might any planning control might be overridden in the merits in the urgency of the case .
24 Hakim said he never knew what it was going to be used for next ; on an organisation chart he left a column for Africa , since North had hinted that he might one day do something there too .
25 The appointment of court organist there was finally offered to Mozart , with the indication that he might one day become Kapellmeister .
26 He had seemed certain to become the first black Tory MP , representing Cheltenham — Norman Tebbit had tipped him as the first black cabinet minister and there 'd even been the odd hint that he might one day inhabit No 10 .
27 John , like Clement , worked hard to secure the king at home and abroad so that he might one day embark on the crusade : the barons , the Scots , and the French were all pressured by John on Edward 's behalf .
28 But underneath this camp humour lay the constant dread that he might one day incur conviction and imprisonment .
29 He might one day get it into his head to dismiss Tom .
30 and wild beyond er , that one boy who was and had n't been used to that sort of thing , for his father had kept a small cook stock his companion that unless he has another basin of gruel he was afraid he might , he might some night happen to eat , eat the boy he slept next to , who happened to be a weakly youth of tender eight and they , and they impeccably believed him .
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