Example sentences of "[pron] make more [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Later on in my schooling life I made more friends but there has been a lot of falling outs , but we always make up again .
2 However , following the two oil price shocks it was decided that the country 's vulnerability ( as Europe 's largest oil importer ) to crude price rises meant that a policy which made more use of the country 's abundant coal resources and reduced oil dependence should be followed .
3 History teaching had been developing along lines which made more use of reference and local source material , while IS , which involved history , science , geography , and religious education ( RE ) , had been concerned with providing greater primary/secondary continuity in the first-year curriculum , and with developing , through an interdisciplinary base , essential learning skills .
4 It is seen by the government as a measure which makes more people pay directly for local services and which will increase local accountability .
5 You make more money than most people in this town , ’ Bernard snapped .
6 ‘ If anything , you make more fuss than I do . ’
7 ( Try thinking about your finger movements when you play a well-known tune on a keyboard — you make more mistakes than if you let your fingers do the thinking . )
8 When the water boiled she made more tea in the silver pot , refilled the milk jug , found clean cups and a plateful of almond biscuits , and carried the tray back to the terrace .
9 Number five became so terrified she made more mistakes and prayed to God that the dance would never finish .
10 Are you making more toast ?
11 Though he was an adequate mariner , he was by no means an expert fisherman , being the sort of man who makes more conversation than profit from his catches ; but after a trip across to Plymouth early in the new year , he returned looking exceedingly pleased with himself , dressed in finer clothes than were often seen on the Polruan side of the Fowey , and full of the news that he intended to commission John Knollys to build him a bark of a hundred tons .
12 Our profits are disappointingly small in relation to , er er , the , er first half of last year er then , we had buoyant conditions and we made more money than we ever had before .
13 We make more programmes — 110 hours of radio and television journalism each week .
14 You see I 've got the prob I mean my initial reaction is I mean I I 've got no strong feeling to say we 've got to supply product the stuff it 's cheaper , we make more money , sod it .
15 It 's a steady pressure trying to push that through , and we increase the resistance , we make more resistance
16 We make more fuss of ballads than of blueprints —
17 ‘ If they make more money in Germany , say , than they do at home , they will need to reinvest more there , ’ he says .
18 Some people like prison because they make more friends in there .
19 But staying with this definition for the time being , there is a general assumption in much writing in this field that although total age related dependency may not be about to rise very much , the shift to larger numbers of elderly and the fall in the numbers of the very young will increase the costs of dependency because the elderly are more costly ; they make more demands on expensive services than the young .
20 They make more business trips .
21 One minute he is boasting that " our girls set Greek , Hebrew , Algebra , indeed anything you like , they are all well-trained girls " ; the next he is saying , " their rate per line is not the same as a man 's ; their corrections are heavier and that kind of thing , they make more mistakes " .
22 These blooming ears they make more trouble than they 're wor , erm , than they 're worth !
23 He made more gossip column copy than our delightful princess .
24 But would n't it make more sense to catch that nutter who 's roaming the countryside around here ? ’
25 Does it make more sense to be beaten 62–7 or play tight competitive fixtures like Southland and NZ Universities as England ‘ B ’ did .
26 ‘ Would n't it make more sense to land at the Luftwaffe base at Cherbourg ? ’
27 Well , it made more sense than ‘ good morning ’ .
28 When the same species was found occupying two separate territories , it made more sense to work out how it could have migrated from one to the other than to assume that it had been created independently in each area .
29 Our masters have had to size up the capacity they have at different plants and it made more sense to move production to Leeds
30 Last year it made more profit than any of the clearing ( commercial ) banks against which it increasingly competes .
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