Example sentences of "[pron] would be some " in BNC.

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1 at the moment , and I think I would be some people would not have let me do that , I think , in the past
2 I could always retire on disablement pension , find some quiet town , a town on a river , where there 'd be some fishing .
3 I knew there 'd be some big raids .
4 If she made her estate more than a hundred and fifty thousand pounds there 'd be some tax payable , so it 's a question of how much you 've got and both estates have got that exemption of a hundred and fifty thousand pounds .
5 We 'd marked every tyre , but sometimes we 'd fish the wrong one out ; then there 'd be some swearing .
6 That there 'd be some justice .
7 I half expected that when we pitched camp for the night there 'd be some sort of ceremony — I do n't know , burning a bundle of clothes or whatever .
8 Right , there 'd be some X squared in it .
9 maybe the folk There 'd be some arrangement made to get there but what it was I ca n't remember .
10 There 'd be some story then .
11 There would be some uneasy heads lying on their pillows that night .
12 There would be some opposition to American bases , he said , but most people face the prospect with equanimity .
13 There are various reasons why authorities might choose to issue coins , although the common factor is that there would be some benefit , however indirect , to the state .
14 There would be some increase in grant-aid to Responsible Bodies in the next two years ; grant regulations would be amended in line with Recommendation 6 and the Ministry would discuss and review work with Responsible Bodies individually before allocating a block grant for the year to each .
15 The second scenario is that there would be some degree of Community economic policy-making .
16 One suggestion which spoke volumes , was for the erection of close-mesh wire fencing along the boundary hedges to stop balls going out of bounds , and another that a selection of books be provided in the clubhouse so that ‘ on the wet days there would be some occupation ’ .
17 In Berlin , Bismarck pretended to believe that the internal instability affecting France presented a danger to the peace of Europe , remarking to the British Ambassador that : ‘ If the present Constitutional Government in France had been three years instead of three months in existence , there would be some chance for its duration and the maintenance of peace . ’
18 For there would be some temporal duration represented by each revolution of the wheel and a certain number of these revolutions would still take place in the interval of time we call a day , even though the motion of the sun had ceased .
19 But there would be some D-D reactions in a reactor filled with deuterium and helium-3 , which do produce neutrons .
20 If this had happened , and if one could state confidently that the Parliament of England had survived these events , albeit in an altered state , whereas the parliaments first , of Scotland , and later , of Ireland , had disappeared from the scene , then there would be some warrant for assuming that the law , customs , conventions and powers of the Parliament of England had survived , whereas those of the others had not .
21 Many constitutional lawyers have thought that the respect in which the problem differs under the constitution of the United Kingdom is that if a power of legislation be denied to Parliament in a particular respect , then an intolerable hiatus would exist in the legislative power — there would be some laws that nobody could enact .
22 Perhaps there would be some trenchant criticism of the accounting techniques used by some significant companies and sanctioned by eminent auditors , or new ideas about the direction that accounting standards might take .
23 It was expected in Kit 's house that there would be some period of study after supper , most nights at any rate .
24 Because they Hyflo has 4 outlets , and I am trying to keep within budget , I would make do with 4 plates with a gap of a few inches between them — the overall effect should be total bottom filtration as there would be some sideways suction across the gravel in the gaps .
25 There would be some top cat out there in the desert , sealed up tight in his High Performance Auto , sitting out the slaughter and counting the expenses .
26 I 'd get her settled and then there would be some distraction and she 'd start jumping around , or ‘ bating ’ as falconers call it .
27 But perhaps there would be some way of persuading her ; at any rate , Emily would not give up her ideas .
28 Now if you relate that to other things the government does like , for example , financing a fighter aeroplane , which costs £30 million , the sums are so small , one would hope there would be some shift in the allocation of resources towards the museums sector and the arts generally , because they are such extraordinarily important features of British life , not least in commercial terms .
29 Overall there would be some increase in the recruitment of girls , but no qualitative improvement .
30 In addition there would be some further tax relief to stimulate growth which could then be supplied through home production .
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