Example sentences of "[pron] say [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sure you 'll understand what I mean when I say that a reader in , for example , Moscow would find your book very difficult to relate to .
2 And the fact that I say that a lot of these accidents happen because perhaps you 're not paying the attention , very often I 've been or know of situations where the bloke is really paying attention to what he 's doing and the still the unfortunate occurs .
3 I say that a psychologist deals with the things normal people say and do , while a psychiatrist deals with the things dotty people say and do .
4 The problem here seems to be this : am I saying that a child is responsible if and only if we declare her to be so , given that she knows what she is doing ?
5 Also in August I said that A Year In Provence author Peter Mayle was looking for a house outside France .
6 Professor Ferguson and I said that a routine clinical history and examination ( preferably in private ) were essential in helping to establish the correct diagnosis and treatment of all patients , particularly in people who might be under the mistaken impression that their symptoms were due to allergy .
7 So as I said before a piece of material contains equal numbers of positive and negative charges .
8 As I said before a bus was on a certain route number , say you had one Witton what was had now and then , well that that ran from six o'clock in the morning perhaps till eleven o'clock at night .
9 I said or a teddy that does something .
10 Yeah and Mike 's seen him like that and mum went round the ward and she made all the beds to help them and all , we had to bribe them to look after him , but was he looked after in the end , on Saturday I said look , I said do n't fucking come over here and tell me my dad 's gon na be turned in a minute I said because a minute is a minute , I said but when you come over here three and a half hours later to my dad that 's like three years , he 's in excruciating agony , he wants to turn him when you tell him you 're gon na turn him
11 Dare I say that a set of vintage pickups and a lick of conductive paint would almost complete the sonic illusion , in the same way that burying the neck and body in peat for a few months would crown the guitar 's appearance !
12 ‘ Well Else read out this bit from a book by Billy Graham , The Secret of 'Appiness it 's called , where 'e says that a man told 'im 'e only took a bath once a week , and Billy Graham told 'im there was something wrong with 'is purity of heart . ’
13 There is , of course , a school of thought which says that a bit of straight thinking , a kind of conceptual analysis-cum-psychotherapy , will sweep this puzzlement away .
14 However Japan and Iceland have taken advantage of a loophole in the regulation which says that a certain number of whales can be killed for scientific purposes .
15 Mr. Whitaker relied upon the wording of section 6(1) of the Act of 1978 , which says that a party is liable in respect of any damage , and so potentially in the position of being able to claim or having to make contribution , ‘ whatever the legal basis of his liability , whether tort , breach of contract , breach of trust or otherwise . ’
16 So what they decided to do , they would accept the clinical grading appeals which says that a panel can be up to six members , of three members of management and three members of trade unions .
17 Baldick quotes the much later Newbolt Report ( 1921 ) , which said that a liberal education based on English
18 One pharmacist belonging to a national firm contacted the head office , which said that a suitable product can be made by special order at £100 for 100 .
19 In the video you say that a gap of ″ should be the distance between the body of the guitar ( Strat ) and the underside of the bridge plate .
20 If you say that a freely-floating body — and the weights would help a bit there , because they 'd keep it under water and out of any wind — moves down on the ebb at an average of a bit under two knots , you 'd not be far wrong .
21 She says that a farming museum is an obvious addition to the group .
22 Doreen Copas announces two new classes in Hertfordshire , taught by Jean Porter ( QT ) and Frances Judd ( T-in-T ) and she says that a coachload of HErts enthusiasts went to the Albert Hall to Celebrate Age ; Pat Keen , Joan Legge and another cornwall member also enjoyed watching the 55+ Medau Team perform .
23 Who says that a removable hard drive deserves as much attention as battery life ?
24 It was a Christian Democrat Chancellor of the Federal Republic ( Kurt Georg Kiesinger ) who said that a reunified Germany would be ‘ a critical mass ’ .
25 He spoke to the officer on desk duty who said that a complaint against Russell had been made at another station .
26 I ca n't remember who it was who said that a squirrel was nothing more than a rat with good PR but how right they were !
27 Some students , when making a choice , had been strongly aware of peer-group pressure and pressure from teachers who said that a science qualification led to jobs :
28 Thucydides must have perceived this , without necessarily endorsing the extreme views which he gives two of his speakers : Alcibiades who said that democracy was acknowledged folly ; and Kleon who said that a democracy was incapable of running an empire ( vi.89 ; iii .
29 Yes , Elizabeth Howell of Exploring Parenthood , certainly that is the case , both with parents and with people like teachers or child care workers , who are in locus parentis for many hours of the day , and our sense is very much that if the adults around children can feel supported and confident that they can acknowledge their own fears and anxieties that they will then be better be able to transmit that measured response to the children in their care and it was very interesting last week , I heard from an educational psychologist in the north of England who said that a group of teachers had asked from several schools to come together to think about the resources that they needed to set in place in order to deal with the children 's behaviour , and after the meeting , at which they were able to express their anxieties , they then returned to their various areas and when the psychologist contacted them a couple of days later they said we felt sufficiently supported by knowing that others are struggling with the same issues and that we could acknowledge our concerns about it , that we now feel able to get on with the job of helping the children , and I think that was a very good example of adults finding a way to acknowledge their own anxieties and thereby to increase their effectiveness in dealing with the children that in whose care they have .
30 She said that a black dog had asked her , ‘ What would you have me do to this man ? ’
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