Example sentences of "[pron] which [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm hoping she might have said something to someone which might help me find her . ’
2 To a point that is true , but often that effort results in an over-exertion of ourselves which can leave us fatigued and exhausted .
3 Then you can write a piece for me which will point out the problems , without declaring that they are insoluble short of a social revolution .
4 He possessed just enough self-control to continue his gentle stroking of her , but both his arms now held her , and almost without her willing it McAllister 's crept around his neck , and unconsciously they sank , from their sitting position , on to the bed , to lie with McAllister 's head on the pillow , Dr Neil 's by her , he careful to lie still , to do nothing which might suggest any kind of bodily union .
5 A client is entitled to have his affairs treated with complete confidentiality ( save with his consent , or where the solicitor 's duty is overridden by his public duty to disclose matters tending to the commission of a crime or to disclose information in response to a sub poena or witness summons ) and the retained solicitor is under a duty to ensure that his co-partners and staff do nothing which might result in a breach of that rule .
6 And if the Soviet leader kept silent in Peking in May , as hundreds of thousands shouted his name during the demonstrations at Tiananmen , he seems the more likely to say nothing which might inflame passions so comparatively close to home .
7 In the end he gave up trying to analyse his own feelings , or even totally understand them , and lay there relaxed , listening for the slow , regular breathing of sleep , and was n't sure if he detected it or not — The door opened briefly at one point and a young man 's voice said " Shit , " but Graham did n't even turn to look ; he knew it could be nothing which would disturb them .
8 Mr Wilson commented on the BBC doing nothing which would do a disservice to Linfield Football Club , but I could say the same about Glenavon .
9 Therefore , if it is at all possible , I should prefer nothing which would upset the group to emerge for another week . "
10 Leases and contracts have been entered into , but I have seen nothing which would prevent the regulation of operating hours .
11 The tenant undertakes to do nothing which would put in jeopardy the continuation of the licence in respect of the premises .
12 ‘ You 've told me nothing which would have been worth Edwin Garland taking the trouble to put into a letter and leave it with his lawyer .
13 In the drawing room , where they had drunk their pre-dinner sherry , Dalgliesh had a sense of a room which deliberately rejected the past , containing nothing which could violate the owner 's essential privacy ; no family history in photograph or portrait , no shabby heirlooms given room out of nostalgia , sentimentality or family piety , no antiques collected over the years .
14 Nothing which could endanger either the crown or the safety of the realm ? ’
15 And we want nothing which will tend to rehabilitate the fallen fortunes of the Liberal Party in the country .
16 And see ye that sumpter beasts be laden with all that there is in Valencia , so that nothing which can profit may be left .
17 Opportunities have become available to them which would have been impossible in hospital .
18 He also had an unerring instinct , when faced with awkward legal problems , of finding solutions to them which would work in practice .
19 The letters said that the payments were made without prejudice to any right to recover them which might arise as a result of legal proceedings .
20 Pupils ' general knowledge about sizes of units and the relationships among them which could assist them to get a " feel " for numbers and help them decide whether measurements were reasonable , was lacking .
21 Similarly , ‘ thank you ’ requires a response from them which can range from the cheerful to the stony silence .
22 However , other mammals are strongly attracted by them which will make it difficult for the perfume manufacturers , who have extracted and patented human copulins , to market them successfully .
23 What we have said we are involved in a process which must involve both governments and all parties , whose objective is agreement among our divided people an agreement which all our traditions must give their allegiance and agreement , and an agreement which must express which which must respect our diversity , now I have kept repeating that statement since we made it and I asked anyone to tell me what they disagree with it , now the loyalist paramilitary some weeks ago said that if the I R A were to k their impression they 've given all along is that they 're just a reaction to the I R A and if the I R A were to stop they would cease immediately , I immediately put out a statement welcoming that statement by them , I also offered to talk directly to them , but they have refused er given the nature of their campaign , particularly at the moment , I begin to wonder do they want the I R A to stop ?
24 The sweetener for those who find themselves paying more is that they could qualify for transitional relief which which will cover the increase .
25 And others , there 's money here which we got for the admin course which which can spend .
26 ( a ) Where there has been oppressive , arbitrary or unconstitutional action by the servants of the government , or ( b ) Where the defendant 's conduct has been calculated by him to make a profit for himself which might exceed the compensation otherwise payable .
27 He commented that she was too cunning to allow him to see anything himself which would justify her certification , but in fact she was removed to the asylum a month later .
28 ( 2 ) That no stay was to be imposed unless a defendant established on the balance of probabilities that , owing to the delay , he would suffer serious prejudice to the extent that no fair trial could be held , in that the continuation of the prosecution amounted to a misuse of the process of the court ; that , in assessing whether there was likely to be prejudice and if so whether it could properly be described as serious , the court should bear in mind the trial judge 's power at common law and under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 to regulate the admissibility of evidence , the trial process itself which should ensure that all relevant factual issues arising from delay would be placed before the jury as part of the evidence for their consideration , and the judge 's powers to give appropriate directions before the jury considered their verdict ; and that , accordingly , the judge 's decision to stay the proceedings had been wrong , since such delay as there had been was not unjustifiable , the chances of prejudice were remote , the degree of potential prejudice was small , the powers of the judge and the trial process itself would have provided ample protection for the police officer , there was no danger of the trial being unfair and in any event the case was not exceptional so as to justify the ruling ( post , p. 19B–E ) .
29 It is humanity itself which must establish that which it wants to be right , and that which it wants to be wrong .
30 It is only the company itself which can take action against the auditors to remedy any damage which auditors ' negligence may have caused to the stakeholders .
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