Example sentences of "[pron] but [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 No no er erm well er there is Prunus that 's a plum I mean a cherry that grows up and various ones like that the only trouble is with these type of things they can be more of a nuisance than the trees that you do have now because those trees growing up those spindly ones as you put it erm some gardeners call them or whatever name they use I but the trouble is bits die in the centre of those and they tend to drop down and they can be in time more far more of a nuisance than the trees they 've got now which seems to me quite suitable .
2 Yes and I enlarge my but the trouble is it make we went every day after
3 I could tell he was pleased with himself but a bit scared , just like when he used to keep the half-crown Father gave him on Sundays , rather than put it on the collection plate .
4 The user of the vehicle is the owner of the vehicle or the person in whose possession it is under some hiring or leasing agreement ; this is often not the driver himself but the driver 's employer or principal .
5 Cloughie probably gets closest to it — not he himself but the No. 9 seems to have his head screwed on .
6 In the distant past , when the genetic material was being accumulated that makes mankind what it is , nobody but a warlord lived in a dwelling he could not make himself .
7 Nobody but a fool who believes his luck lies around the corner could be similarly influenced by the likes of Frankie .
8 One of the never mentioned delights of the silent cinema was that you crunched and sucked to your heart 's content , annoying nobody but the piano player .
9 ( Holly 1971:9 ) Nobody but the teacher can make such decisions or deploy such skills
10 Certainly give them , yeah and I said Joan will tell you not only does her but the table that he sits on and the wall around it ,
11 And who but a megalomaniac would want to live on the set for a Hammer horror movie ? ’
12 ‘ This Act will enslave you , ’ he heard Cameron saying , ‘ and not only the young men among you but every family with a son who is in his prime .
13 Erm it is I assure you but a fraction of what I 've got .
14 I 'll throw you to the fucking wolves — are you listening , you stupid fuck ? — and there 'll be nothing left of you but a pile of shit and a hank of hair .
15 My child , said Mufaro her father , that is very kind of you but the king is the person who is going to choose .
16 I do n't need to spell it out for you but the assumption is that he was going back drunk and got hit .
17 Changing direction wo n't exactly bring out the Mansell in you but the power steering — in theory the same as that fitted to the others — reacts swiftly and smoothly , and understeer is significantly less than that of the 1.4 GLX .
18 I dare say somebody 's already said it to you but the family were very comforted and grateful for your service .
19 The intermittent , flickering reality that obsesses Gael is , from the Catholic perspective , itself but a delusion .
20 By definition the gene must promote the reproductive success of the selfish organisms at a cost to itself but a gene for altruism could evolve in a population of selfish individuals a population of altruists , in whom a gene for selfishness appears by random mutation .
21 This happy-go-lucky attitude , with its underlying assumption that diplomacy was not a career in itself but an interlude in other and often more attractive ones , was slowly dying as system , method and organisation became more pervasive in all branches of government .
22 She had refused to stay in the vast Sandringham House itself but the Queen offered her nearby Wood Farm .
23 In any experience , for instance , involving a man and a difficult horse he wishes to master , the most important element is not the animal itself but the man 's mind ; and especially that part of his mind over which he has no immediately willed or conscious control .
24 Performance should clearly speak for itself but the English and Welsh system for some time lacked ( and now needs ) evaluation and evaluation which can be clearly expressed .
25 To claim money as a major human goal is not to make any specific claim about ‘ human nature ’ ( such as its mercenariness ) since it is not so much a goal in itself but the facilitator of almost all possible human goals — expressive , artistic , acquisitive or whatever .
26 The reason destroying it now would be no solution , he wrote , is that what sickens me is not the object itself but the time and thought I have put into it .
27 Working the 12 step Programme is not an end in itself but the method by which the sufferer is transformed from negativity to positively , from sickness to health and from a life of belligerence and blaming to a life that focuses upon creativity and an attitude of gratitude .
28 In Shakespearian tragedy , hypocrisy is not only a poison in itself but the cause of ever greater destruction .
29 They were advised in 1743 : You can not expect to marry in such a manner as neither of you shall have occasion to work , and none but a fool will take a wife whose bread must be earned solely by his labour and who will contribute nothing towards it herself .
30 The girl in the chapter was under-age , but the sex was so ambiguous and romantic that none but a prude could find it objectionable .
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