Example sentences of "[pron] on [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The solid ground rocked and heaved beneath us , but we were soon gorging ourselves on rich noodles and spicy chilled crabs and lobster — forbidden fruit while amongst our Islamic Bugis .
2 Integrated Programmes — we pride ourselves on developing programmes which integrate management development with the achievement of business objectives as well as achieving an integrated design within the programme itself .
3 If everyone can manage this we will all be able to go on quietly shaving our heads , lighting our candles , starving ourselves on particular days of the year — and no-one will mind or probably even notice .
4 Wittek suggests that Bayezid I was aware of the criticisms of himself on religious grounds and that he sought investiture as Sultan of Rum , a title he already possessed in fact , from the Abbasid caliph in Cairo because he felt the need for a religious sanction for his regime .
5 I 'd like to remind him that 's nothing to the idiot he made of himself on All Fools Day last when he found the dead stoat I 'd placed in the pulpit .
6 1859 — 1919 : ‘ They [ Joseph 's contemporaries ] tested every man 's views by his actions , by his carriage of himself on all sorts of occasions .
7 Yeah , he catches himself on all sorts of things .
8 There may be areas of the garden which are specially suitable for the patient to work in : he needs to be able to reach the soil with his hands or tools without risking scratching himself on thorny plants or hitting his head or eyes on jutting or overhanging branches .
9 David Holford , the West Indies team manager , said : ‘ It seems that the strain of at last proving himself on English wickets last year has had an adverse effect on his form . ’
10 It would mean reversing himself on three points : price reform , budget discipline and privatisation of land and property .
11 there is not a single piece by anyone other than himself on these discs which he is not able to rattle off with the short of nonchalant ease that would probably make even ARgerich or Pollini green with envy .
12 He was indeed fortunate in his local friends who recognised his ‘ propensity to Botanicks ’ ( Benjamin Franklin , Pennsylvania Gazette , 1742 ) , encouraged expeditions and subscribed ‘ to induce him and enable him wholly to spend his time and exert himself on these employments ’ .
13 While they scavenged rotten vegetables from the rubbish tip , he gorged himself on imported delicacies .
14 if you exclude somebody on objective criteria
15 He opts for a single fragment of European culture and , by way of compensation , he must at once reaffirm that ideal of personal and cultural wholeness which on various grounds he now sees immediately symbolized in Schopenhauer — and not least because Schopenhauer , for all his scorn of the contemporary world , unquestionably belongs to it .
16 We 're trying to do things which on many occasions we 're actually doing things which are done at university with them , in a simplified form , of course , but just to give them this perspective , this view of physics .
17 The garden is full of scented plants which on warm days infuse the still air .
18 An additional disbursement under the CCFF , which on present assumptions would be SDR32,600,000 ( about $47,000,000 ) , would be made available later , provided relevant conditions were met .
19 plays cricket and top-class hockey ( more of which on other pages ) .
20 He said only to the degree that when you came , you did not come , i.e. there was orgasm without emission ; a change which on several grounds has much to recommend it .
21 For new short-term borrowings ( which on several occasions rose above £100 millions ) the BEA were charged bank rate ( or only slightly more ) : this rose from 2 per cent under Labour to 4 per cent in March 1952 , falling slightly in the following years , but rising again and , from February 1955 never falling below the 4 per cent level .
22 People not directly involved with a particular team can contribute suggestions which on several occasions have proved to be helpful . ’
23 Lincoln , which on several occasions was totally exempted from paying , seems to have been one of the worst affected ( 71 ; 77 , pp.272–3 ) .
24 It was a huge risk , each time he unscrewed the base of the walking stick , took out the rifle microphone , plugged it to the small receiver that by day nestled in the back of his music centre , put on the headphones which on most days he used to listen to classical music .
25 Man 's early faith in the original ‘ god ’ forerunners came from the apparent success which on some occasions appeared to attend the involvement of them in the troubles that beset him .
26 The University has reviewed with faculty boards and other admitting bodies the number of additional graduate students which on academic grounds they would wish to take ( within the limits of their predicted resources ) over the next five to ten years .
27 In the searches in Belfast over the weekend of 11 and 12 January , which on three occasions revealed a mass of destructive material , we had an outstanding example of that patient work .
28 Differences of opinion exist among scholars ; sometimes the appearance gives very little to go on — details may have been rubbed off or we may only have a small fragment of a large object to examine ; two or more origins may be possible contenders and it may be impossible to decide which on stylistic grounds alone .
29 ‘ Is she on any drugs ? ’
30 It was in fact the visitors who could easily have been in front , but for some brilliant tackling by Jason Miller , who on four occasions , kept out both Terry Patterson and Chris Loud .
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