Example sentences of "[pron] not [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 Looking along that wall , I not only had four redstarts in full view in my binoculars , but three cuckoos as well : it was that sort of a day .
2 All I would say to you is that the very small primary schools I not only have to doubt the financial viability , but I personally sometimes would doubt that the National Curriculum can be delivered to a school where you 've got an age range between five and eleven and you 've only got thirty or forty children , and that is a personal point of view , which I have , erm having seen many of our schools , and I believe that the problems that some of our large urban schools have , with thirty to a class packed in , is also something we should address and give careful thought to when we are resourcing education .
3 As I walked out of the ward and round the red screen I felt as old as Humber and as worried as she was about my not yet having been fully trained .
4 It is vital that our children have the best possible education to allow them not only to have the best possible standard of life and maximise their opportunities , but for the benefit of Britain , so that we can compete in the world in trade and industry .
5 On the morning of the day before her departure Delia Sutherland was sitting in front of the fruit and toast Luney set daily on the terrace , and which not once had she been able to eat .
6 ‘ That 's friendly ! ’ he shouted over the engine noise , and he pointed through the windscreen at the concrete airstrip which not only had the yellow cross painted huge at its western end , but also had two trucks parked in its centre line , thus making it impossible for any plane to land .
7 The Christian faith is a view of history ; a process which not only has a beginning in creation but an end signalled by the personal return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of ‘ a new heavens and a new earth ’ .
8 With this second novel , Amy Tan has again proved herself to be a first class writer , one who can write books which not only have enormous popular appeal , but also teach us something new about the human condition .
9 Did she not now have a husband , a child , a home ?
10 There was one member whose sight was so bad that when she read she not only had to prop a second pair of spectacles on top of the pair already resting on her nose , but also had to stand under the standard lamp almost pressed against the light bulb .
11 Worst of all , some sadist of a landscape designer had slapped down Dancer 's stick-and-ball field right next to her house , so she not only had fairies at the bottom of her garden , but also a microcosm of Rutshire Polo Club .
12 She not only had the figure of a mannequin but she had learned from the girls at the salon how to walk , how to hold her head up , how to appear perfectly poised .
13 she not long had that bad car accident
14 Parliamentary counsel in particular become weary of the criticism of their work by lawyers and non-lawyers , who do not appreciate the pressures under which they work and who not infrequently have little or no drafting experience .
15 Now , for the first time , I was surrounded by people who not only had cancer , but unlike those in hospital , knew that they had it .
16 In the late nineteenth century , the pastime of rambling through open countryside had been restricted to those who not only had time at their disposal but also the financial capability to travel into rural areas .
17 Hazel is one of those unfortunate patients who not only have food intolerance , but also seem to be sensitive to various everyday chemicals as well .
18 There is hardly an area in the diocese where the scourge of unemployment is not biting hard , and our parishes have to do what they can for those who not only have no work , but see little prospect of employment in the future .
19 A distinguishing feature of Company Programmes is the team of client directors who not only have a wide experience in industry but represent the main functions of the business .
20 Contemplative life belongs to those who not only have a keen awareness that life in the world hangs by a thread , but a sense that their own identity and reality does not inhere fundamentally in physical things .
21 The former is of interest only in that she happens to be married to the gorgeous Richard Gere , who not only has ten times her talent but ten times her looks ( do people really find that hideous mole of hers attractive ? ) .
22 When next you step into an airliner just ask yourself if you want a pilot who has a knowledge of flying or someone who not only has knowledge but aviation skill as well .
23 Could you not just have asked me ? ’
24 Now would you not rather have a Poem , however imperfect , than a plate of cucumber sandwiches , however even , however delicately salted , however exquisitely fine-cut ?
25 Could you not equally have said : ‘ Ha !
26 also we ought to be treating it , are you not actually having any active treatment at the moment are you ?
27 The whole interview reminded him of the English card game in which you not only had to guess what cards your opponent held , but decide what he thought yours were , and so on .
28 Now you not only had the wine but also found that the bees had multiplied , so that you could start off three or four jars .
29 It is quite likely that you not only have no experience of regression therapy but have never even been hypnotized before .
30 You not only have to deal with people questioning her musical ability , but also just that constant male assault .
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