Example sentences of "[pron] i find [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For the first time in my life I found myself surrounded by friends — friends whom I found interesting , and friends who appeared to find me interesting , bright and witty , despite my all-too-evident disadvantages .
2 They have a new , quiet , charming , and very well qualified resident doctor Doctor Booth , who has made a special study of excess weight , and whom I found full of sound advice .
3 There was a lot of passing , running about and kicking which I found encouraging for this season .
4 A radio was turned on and it played music , which I found odd .
5 I was in lane 1 , which I found strange considering the positions and times I had achieved in the semi-final .
6 With only one to go , I asked the doctor from Cairo if he 'd like a dekko down the eyepiece , but he declined , which I found surprising in view of the scarcity of polyps in Egypt .
7 For about £40 a head the dishes we enjoyed were ‘ foie gras de canard confit en terrine ’ ( terrine of duck liver ) , a most unusual dish ; ‘ terrine d'anguille fumé tiede ’ ( smoked eel rillette ) which I found delicious and very different .
8 His attitude towards me was one of dumb , doglike devotion , which I found tiresome , but in the circumstances he seemed better than no boyfriend at all .
9 I remember her claim — which I found exciting — that semen contains Vitamin E and is therefore good for the skin .
10 I could not read the name but underneath , with a defiance which I found sympathetic , somebody else had written :
11 I tell you , I 've had Sound Citys , which were garbage , Marshall , which I found unreliable and kind of loud , Roland Jazz Chorus 120s — I 've used those live with the distortion button turned on — and I had a Music Man amp for a while .
12 There was a report from the London Branch of Convocation which I found interesting .
13 Commenting on a considerable drop in sales at a book fair , one experienced bookman wrote about these travel books : ‘ That such a range of books which I find boring beyond belief — I prefer to call them non-books — was due for a shake-out , appeared inevitable to me . ’
14 It is this , in the end , which I find disquieting about Callinicos ' book .
15 The reasons behind thousands upon thousands of black kids immersing themselves in sport may stem from basic inequalities which I find unacceptable , and , indeed , immoral , but I can not affirm that sport is some device for the perpetuation of these inequalities any more than I can agree with some critics , such as Paul Hoch , that sport is a mere instrument of capitalist domination designed to slough off energies or divert them into meaningless channels ( 1972 ) .
16 But this is only a ground for drawing a strong contrast between them and ‘ primary qualities ’ like shape , for those who , like Mackie , take a strong realist line about the latter which I find unacceptable .
17 Another funny story , also off the record is that that lay in a drawer for two years because they thought it was controversial , they thought it was which I find hilarious .
18 I have written about a T.V series which I find appalling .
19 In contrast to this condoned and systematic brutality , rugby 's ‘ image problem ’ , in Mr Lieberman 's analysis , stems from its association with ‘ beer parties ’ , which are frowned upon by the editor of Sports Illustrated , who is dismissive of rugby in a way which I find offensive ( I wonder if he 's aware , for instance , that the US Womens ' team recently won a world title ? ) , and attempting to placate people like him would be buying into a value system which is completely alien to the game .
20 Some years ago I learnt this neckband method which I find invaluable .
21 This is a phenomenon which I find impressive and mysterious .
22 The point , which I find persuasive , is that an appeal court which will be less full-time than the Court of Justice will be less imbued with the centralist perspective , and thus in a better position to maintain an objectivity as between the interests of the EEC and those of the nation state .
23 Beverley Halstead has admirably avoided these pitfalls in his most recent book , which I find delightful .
24 which I find exciting , but , but interesting in it .
25 The particular focus which I find valuable is the concept of the ‘ life course ’ , which is different from the more orthodox conception of the ‘ life cycle ’ and ‘ family life cycle ’ , in that it allows for more variation and does not assume that family relationships go through a series of modifications which are totally predictable in advance .
26 They emerge nicely plump , with a roasted , smoky flavour which I find irresistible ; although only , it must be said , if they have been dried without the sulphur dioxide used as a preservative for dried fruit .
27 You make me say things which should remain unsaid , you pressure me on an emotional level which I find difficult to control .
28 ‘ It is the delicacy in myself which I find insuperable .
29 The first was that a case such as the present was so rare that it could not of itself call for a fundamental reformulation of the underlying principle — a point which I find unimpressive , when I consider that our task is essentially to do justice between the parties in the particular case before us .
30 There is also a kind of prurient obsession with filth among many purity campaigners which I find distasteful .
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